A few weeks ago I dreamt I was in hospital and they told me my child was dead.
It was terrible and I woke up crying. I prayed.
About 2weeks later my last child, Alexis, had a cold I took her to see the doctor. He referred her to see the ENT because her tonsils were enlarged.
She was asleep and breathing with difficulty.
The ENT gave her more medicine because she still had a cold, and told me to go and think about surgery and come back in a week. I went home and told my husband he said no surgery. I went to see her Pediatrician who told us all the risks if we did not allow her to have the surgery.
I took her for the next appointment we did the necessary pre-surgery tests.
We prayed as a family before we left for the hospital.
My daughter loves GOD, listens to HIS WORD on YouTube. On the day of surgery she listened to things with the theme fear, faith and trusting GOD.
On arrival at the room allocated to her, I realized it was the room I saw myself crying in the dream.
I laughed and said to myself not today satan.
I prayed, and felt the peace of GOD. The procedure was successful and she’s home.
All I know is GOD has given us victory.
I give HIM glory and praise.

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