Last week Wednesday I was in the office when my husband called to tell me there was a fire at home. He told me not to panic as they had put the fire out. He made it sound like it was a small fire but I decided to go home and see for myself.
There was a power surge and the iron was connected to the socket that was where the fire started from. My cousin sews and there were clothes and her customer’s fabrics there so they caught fire and helped the fire grow.
My husband was having breakfast and told my cousin he could smell smoke and she went to check that was when she saw the fire. He immediately disconnected the gas cylinder cos it was just a meter or two away from the fire and they started putting the fire out.
Her machine, clothes and some other stuff were lost but no life was lost to the glory of God.
God kept my husband at home because he was supposed to be out at that time.

I am here to give God the glory that we didn’t lose anything significant and no life was hurt. The devil didn’t want us to see October but he failed. We were fasting and God answered even what we didn’t pray for. Glory be to you Lord

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