My family and I relocated about 2 1/2 months ago and we have continued to experience the mercy of God in every area of our lives.
We were able to miraculously rent a house within a month, even though we had gotten numerous refusals, due to the fact that my husband and I were yet to be employed.
Also, my daughter sat for an assessment to determine her readiness for University and scored very highly.
My hubby and I did our 2 stage driving tests and we both passed.
My husband got a job during the most recent Esther fast. This means that his target time set to disengage from his job in Nigeria is on track, without him having a gap in employment.
I received some money I wasn’t even expecting from a transaction I had long forgotten.
I thank God for His faithfulness over my life and family members. I thank Him for our SL and the Rebirthrwc Ministry, which has continued to be a blessing to me and has continued to grow my spiritual life.