It appears like a minor testimony but very major lesson for me on the importance of obeying that still small voice.

I am not much for listening to the news since this covid season but early last week, I felt a nudge to fill up my tank and I kept finding excuses. It felt strange because I have been working from home almost two years and haven’t had school runs this year so I kept ignoring the voice. Eventually I gave in just because I wanted the voice to stop, filled my tank to the brim and nothing was still happening so I was like there was absolutely no need for that. Lo and behold yesterday started noticing queues at the gas stations and today none around me have any to sell. Thank GOD I listened and obeyed the voice of GOD. I am so blessed that the LORD is that mindful of me. I am so grateful for the teachings we get on the rebirth mountain.

GOD bless our SL
GOD bless Rebirthrwc Ministry

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