I’m here to give GOD praise for showing me mercy. I wrote a professional exam in May. I studied so hard and was believing GOD for success in my exam.
On the same day we wrote the exam, myself and a couple of friends were discussing the questions, and my friends said to me “looks like your questions were harder”. Although the examination body gives different questions but level of difficulty are always at par. In this case mine was way harder. I was wondering, why didn’t I get the easy questions like my friends. I became unsure of what the outcome of the exam will be. I cried so much that day.
Two days later we started Esther fast into the month of June. Throughout those 3days I cried to GOD to have mercy on me and crown my efforts with success. I came to a realization that GOD made my exam that way so that he alone can take all the Glory.
When the results were released at the end of July, I was amongst the few that passed the exam!. Our GOD is a prayer answering GOD

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