Sometime in the middle of June I had what I thought was a ‘freak’ accident on the ankle/foot. I went for my morning walk and I was almost home when I missed my step off the pavement and I tore the ligaments on my foot. By the time I saw the Orthopaedic doctor my leg was in a cast!!!! For 6 weeks he told me which was the standard length of time for it to heal I was told.
Yet a couple of days before SL has said we should not accept any doctors prognosis so I said to myself it will not take 6 weeks for me. When my questions became too many the Doctor then said I should come back in 3 weeks to check it.
Of course I asked for prayers from the Prayer Team and to GOD be All the GLORY when I went back 3 weeks later the pain had gone down tremendously and so when they removed the cast I could put a bit of weight on the foot. I was then given an ankle support to continue wear however.
Anyways where am I going with this testimony? Ok. I couldn’t understand why the accident but I remember a friend telling me that soon GOD will reveal why he allowed it to happen. So we should be thanking HIM that it was not worse.
So this afternoon GOD revealed to me the reason for my leg being in a cast and for me being home for the next 2 months. One of my ‘mothers’ in church had lost her husband in May and he was buried in June and I went to visit her during that time. I promised that once the funeral was over I would be checking on her and spend time with her to keep her company. Of course since my leg was in a cast I couldn’t do that.
Her birthday was yesterday but I only remembered to call her today. She then informed me that in fact since July she has been treating her self for malaria but only to discover 2 weeks ago that she tested positive for Covid!!!! I was stunned because the penny dropped!!!!
If not for my cast I would have been visiting her and exposed myself and my family to the Covid. Then the little voice said to me whilst on the phone with her that that was why GOD allowed the accident on my foot.
I am so humbled that GOD loves me too much to allow the plague to come near me and my family. I am still in awe and I just want to thank GOD for HIS love, faithfulness and protection.
Thank YOU. Thank YOU. Thank YOU LORD!!!