I thank GOD for making it possible for me to buy a property this year. It was on my prayer list at the beginning of the year and even when it seemed daunting, GOD provided.
I got it significantly cheaper than the market price and I paid at once to the glory of GOD.
Just as I paid for the house, I was expecting a 6 – week package from my office.
Today, my boss informed me that he thinks 6 weeks is too small and he got approval to make it 3 months instead.
I didn’t ask for 3 months because my company hardly bends its rules and everyone gets the standard 6 weeks. It can only be GOD.
I thank GOD for answering my prayers. I thank GOD for always taking care of me and my loved ones.
I thank GOD for Rebirthrwc.
I thank GOD for the Servant Leader.
I thank GOD.