I have come to testify of God’s mercy and faithfulness over my life. I have been having this headache for over a week now which is rather different from any type of headache I have ever had.
I was so worried, went to the GP, he saw me and said he is not worried but I should do blood test.
I did the test but the wait for the result was giving me anxiety which made the headache worse. I spoke with my sister who reminded me and actually sent me a screen shot of SL telling us to pray psalm 16 over our water and drink.
I believed and told my sister by God’s grace I will give the testimony on Friday too.
I started doing this and I am now fine.
Headache is gone by God’s grace.
To cut the story short, I called the doctor and they said there was an error while collecting the blood so no result.
I have just done it again but I know God has completely healed me.
All praise to God.
Thank you and God bless SL and all members of Rebirth. May God continue to protect and guide us all. Amen.