On Monday 25th of October, I participated in the 5am prayers.
When I entered my office later that morning, I realized there was a white paper containing some yellow powder lying under my seat. At first sight, I thought it was rat that dragged the paper and left it there but on closer inspection it was obvious that it was placed there

I showed it to the cleaner who alerted my colleagues. They all clustered in front of my office, except for one lady who remained in her office, she didn’t seem concerned about all what was going on.

I messaged SL and told her about it, and she replied

“You found it where?”

I told her under my seat

She wrote

“Ignore it”

I was perplexed and surprised, no prayers, no prayer points?

I got home in the evening and started praying.
I did not stop praying, confessing and declaring God’s goodness over my life.

It was on Monday 1st of November that another colleague who works in a different section came to me and was telling me to be very careful in my office, making reference to my colleague in the office opposite mine. He told me the lady who seemed unconcerned the day I saw the yellow powder under my chair contacted him on WhatsApp telling him that she was sick.
Her leg began to swell and she was told by a traditional herbalist that the affliction is connected to her place of work.

I was then surprised when another of her colleagues came to discuss the matter with me that she must not tell anyone about her swollen leg and that the pain and swelling started the same Monday I found the powder under my seat and since then, she has not been to work. She has not reported officially at work regarding her predicament and is hiding it.

This is all amazing.

On the day I saw the powder as other colleagues were alarmed and agitated, I kept confessing the Word, declaring the Word while smiling. My colleagues didn’t understand the confidence but I remembered what SL said that same morning in the 5am declarations. She said we should be ready for trials, we shall have them but we shall triumph over them all.

Whoever dropped the powder, I don’t know, but I know that God has preserved my life and spared me from all forms of evil.

Glory be to God

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