I’ve come to give God Almighty all the glory. Praise be to God! Praise Him for the Mighty things He has done!

God spared my life and that of my baby.

My water broke 5 weeks before my due date.
I had previously had 3 c.sections and wanted to avoid going into active labour as I knew the implications.

I was scared and worried. I said a prayer and started declaring positive outcomes for my baby and I. I contacted a few Sisters in the prayer team and was in constant touch with the SL and some Ministers who greatly reassured me with their words of encouragement and prayers. I deeply felt the impact of those prayers. The prayers gave me strength and hope.

During one of the 5am prayers, SL advised us to never complain about being tired or speak negative words because our words will not return to us empty, and so I would speak to my baby and say ” stay put little one, till it’s time to come out”, “you will be born with all your organs working perfectly and all is well with you”

I went into active labour 8 days after I was admitted in the hospital, and had an emergency c.section.

God showed off with us. Big time. My baby was born healthy, strong, everything working perfectly, nothing missing, nothing broken.

I don’t have enough words to express my deep gratitude to God.

God bless everyone in the prayer team, God bless our SL abundantly, God bless Rebirthrwc Ministry.

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