Thursday, January 20 2022 – 21 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme

I praise YOUR Name for the assurance of answered prayers in this season of Supernatural Restoration.

I decree that because of this acceptable fast and in accordance with GOD’S WORD, GOD will guide me continually this year and beyond.

My steps are ordered into prepared places.

I will not walk into wrong places; I will not walk with wrong people; I will not walk into the wrong crowd and I will not walk-in wrong times.

By the grace of GOD, I will walk into the right places, with the right people to do the right things and will receive the right outcomes ordained for my destiny.

I am a well-watered garden, like a spring of water whose water does not fail.

Isaiah 58:11.

I declare that my children and all the children in Rebirth, shall operate in the fear of the SPIRIT.

Their hearts will pant for the presence of the highest GOD.

They shall be called the mighty and be great in this land.

They are for godly signs and wonders to their generations.

GOD will make them godly stars that will shine in their generation in JESUS Name. Psalm 112:2-3

We declare that our children will not succumb to the destructive enticements in the society but rather become dominant agents of godly influence.

I declare that anything planted by the kingdom of darkness into my life, into the Rebirth Ministry and into the lives of the members be uprooted and flushed out in JESUS Name.

Whatever spirit is at work to disorganize my destiny, to disorganize the Rebirth Ministry and the lives of the members be cancelled and removed in JESUS Name.

Every agent of disruption that may hinder the kingdom harvest and the move of GOD in the Rebirth Ministry be rendered ineffective throughout this year.

Matthew 15:13 “But HE answered and said, every plant, which MY heavenly FATHER hath not planted, shall be rooted up”.

I pray that from today and throughout this year, I will begin to encounter helpers of destiny who will go out of their way to help me succeed in my journey of life.

1 Samuel 10:3, 1 Samuel 30:11-12.

By the power in the Blood and in the Name of JESUS, I declare that my mind is alert and that my spiritual eyes are open to see the way GOD wants me to see.

I will see possibilities and opportunities that heaven has apportioned for me daily throughout this year.

I will not bow to the forces of excuses and failure in JESUS Name.

Ephesians 1:17-19.

I declare that throughout 2022, my mind conceives godly, progressive ideas.

I will have eyes that see, ears that hear and a heart that understands in JESUS Name.

I receive grace for uncommon wisdom, uncommon progressive ideas, uncommon strategies that will command abundance and the good of the land into my life.

I declare boldly by the authority in the Name of JESUS that I shall have visions that are clear, virtues that are right and victories that are certain.

Heavenly FATHER, I commit and dedicate every moment and every activity of my entire 2022 into YOUR hands that YOU take pre-eminence and supreme control over all the affairs of my life.

Since YOU are in control of my destiny, I pray that my righteous expectations shall not be cut off but shall be made manifest speedily in JESUS Name.

Psalm 37:5

By the reason of redemption through CHRIST and YOUR favour around me like a shield, I will attract every good thing this year 2022.

Every good and precious thing I am due for in this season of my life per GOD’S divine plan shall be delivered speedily into my destiny in JESUS Name.

Proverbs 3:27-28. Romans 8:32, Psalm 84:11.

I pray that GOD will daily baptize me with HIS agape love and that HIS love will continue to prevail over my heart and that of the family of Rebirth.

I pray that GOD will continue to make Rebirth a community where the love of GOD dwells and reigns.

1 Corinthians 13, Romans 5:5, John 17:21

I boldly affirm that my divine nature manifests multiplied productivity, my bosom is filled with plenty and satisfaction.

My mouth is filled with praise, because GOD is my protection, and HIS power is at work in me for all-round possibilities.

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