Tuesday, January 25 2022 – 21 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme

FATHER, thank YOU for a new day and newness of YOUR presence upon my life and family. Thank YOU for the Name of JESUS CHRIST and HIS Blood that speaks for us and protects us.

Thank YOU, FATHER, for YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, WHO is present with me to teach, direct, and empower me throughout this year.

In the Name of JESUS, I pray and declare that this 2022, I will not engage, sit or join in any way wherever words, discussions, and meetings are being raised against the name of any servant of GOD and the church of the GOD, or JESUS.

Still, I will stand to defend and uphold the church that the SPIRIT JESUS died for.

Since darkness cannot overpower light, I declare that nothing will cover the light of my destiny from full manifestation.

By the authority in the Name of JESUS and the power of GOD’S WORD, every form of darkness that has prevailed in my destiny so far is removed and converted into glory and honour.

By GOD’S grace and mercy, my destiny shall not be empty, but I will make undeniable progress and impart in my generation in JESUS Name. 

Isaiah 58:10.

By the authority in the Name of JESUS, GOD will open my eyes of understanding and grant unto me revelation knowledge to discover strategies that will allow me to enjoy the good of the land.

Ephesians 1:17-19

I pray that GOD will make known to me whatever I don’t know that I need to know to live a profitable life now and forever in JESUS Name.

Jeremiah 33:3 

In the Name of JESUS, I will not live a life of collective mistakes, but the HOLY SPIRIT will lead me to make profitable decisions for the rest of this year and beyond.

FATHER, lead me to YOUR prepared blessings for my life from henceforth.

2 Kings 7:4-8

By the authority in the Name of JESUS, I pray for the restoration of every good thing that I have lost in the years past.

I pray for the restoration of my strength, anointing, spiritual gifts, finances, grace, courage, boldness, riches, honour, favour, joy, and peace upon my destiny in the Name of JESUS.

Joel 2:25, Isaiah 58:12

Since I dwell in the secret place of the highest GOD, I pray that GOD will hide the family of Rebirth and me in the shadow of HIS wings every moment of this year until the calamities of the season are passed. Because we are divinely exempted, there shall be no sorrow, there shall be no adversity, and there shall be no calamities in my family and the family of Rebirth throughout this year and beyond.

We shall forever rejoice in the goodness of the SPIRIT.

Psalm 91:7, Psalm 57:1

I pray and declare boldly by the authority in the Name of JESUS that voices of rejoicing and voices of thanksgiving will not cease in my life, in my family, and the family of the Rebirth Ministry for the rest of this year. Jeremiah 30:19-20

FATHER, as Jabez prayed and received an answer from YOU, I pray this day that YOU will indeed bless and enlarge my coast and take the evil away from my life, away from my family and the family of Rebirth. FATHER, I pray that YOU will bring us to the place of honour and great lifting, in JESUS Name.

1 Chronicles 4:10

FATHER, I pray that greater grace, fresh anointing, and the power of the HOLY SPIRIT be released afresh upon the Servant Leader Kemi Balogun and all Rebirth members.

I pray that YOU will take YOUR people to the land of promise and blessing.

As YOU magnified Joshua in power before the Israelites, magnify SL Kemi Balogun and YOUR works in her hands.

As YOU magnified Solomon in wisdom before the Israelites, O SPIRIT magnify SL Kemi Balogun with YOUR divine wisdom and understanding to lead YOUR people in the post COVID era, in JESUS Name.

Heavenly FATHER, I pray that YOU continue to add multitudes of men and women daily to the Rebirth Ministry for the expansion of YOUR kingdom and the glory of YOUR Name.

I pray for the Spirit of love and unity to permeate this ministry.

I pray that the Rebirth Ministry shall forever be a place of holiness and purity.

Favour and love will multiply upon the commission

1 John 17:21, 1 Thessalonians 3:12.

I pray that the doors of salvation, doors of financial breakthrough, and doors of advancement will be permanently opened for my household and the family of Rebirth in JESUS Name.

Zechariah 9:11, 10:1

I pray that the presence of GOD (HOLY SPIRIT) in and upon me be alive and active throughout this year.

I call on heaven to fill me with every fruit of the spirit that will energize and activate the SPIRIT of GOD in me.

Galatians 5:19-26.

I boldly affirm that the doors of salvation, financial breakthrough and advancement will be permanently opened for my household and the family of Rebirth in JESUS Name. Zechariah 9:11, 10:1

I boldly affirm that my divine nature manifests multiplied productivity, my bosom is filled with plenty and satisfaction.

My mouth is filled with praise, because GOD is my protection, and HIS power is at work in me for all-round possibilities.

Give thanks to GOD in understanding and in the SPIRIT.

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