What Is Happening To My Marriage? – Day 10

Wednesday 14 September 2022

  • Any evil voice crying against my marriage be silenced by the Blood of JESUS.
  • I pull down every power of the queen of heaven working against my marriage in the Name of JESUS.
  • I come against every agent of the queen of heaven in the water and in the air in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  • Evil altars of the queen of heaven hindering my marriage, be consumed by the fire of GOD’S divine judgment in JESUS’ mighty Name.
  • You the queen of heaven, I bind you with hot chains and fetters of GOD; I paralyze your assignment against my marriage and family in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  • I trample upon you serpents and scorpions by the power and authority in the WORD of GOD in JESUS’ Name.
  • Every agent of the queen of heaven in my life, be exposed and be disgraced by fire in the Name of JESUS.
  • Every avenue through which the queen of heaven has been gaining access into my home, be closed forever by the Blood of JESUS.
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