Prayer Points For When I’m Lonely

Prayer Points For When I’m Lonely

Scripture: Deuteronomy 31:8

And the Lord, HE it is that doth go before thee; HE will be with thee, HE will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.

Prayer Points

  1. FATHER, remember me, I find myself alone, do not allow this loneliness consume me. Come LORD and fill my heart, for the Joy of the LORD is my strength and with YOU, I will not be overcome by solitude. Let my heart find fulfilment in loving YOU, in JESUS Name. 
  2. I give YOU praise LORD , for YOU have gone before me and promised YOU will be with me. YOU will never leave me nor forsake me. I will not be afraid, I will not be discouraged, for YOU are with me.
  3. LORD, on days when I find it difficult to stay motivated, when the weight of loneliness demoralizes me, let YOUR light shine upon me and chase away the darkness, for darkness can never overcome YOUR light, in JESUS Name.
  4. LORD, I am weary and burdened , I am alone.  Be gracious to my hurting soul I pray. Comfort me and give me succour, heal my brokenness and set me free from the bondages of human weakness. Grant me YOUR precious rest and perfect peace. Heal my broken heart and bind up my wounds, in JESUS Name.
  5. FATHER, set me free from the prison of loneliness as YOUR word has decreed. Turn towards me and be gracious to me ,for I am lonely and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from anguish. Thank YOU for the promises ,as YOU meet me at every point of my need. This I ask in JESUS Name.
  6. I cast all my anxiety on YOU LORD. All my fears, my secret pains, my burdens, my hope, my trust, I cast all to YOU LORD, because I know YOU care for me and will take care of me.
  7. Who do I turn to? Friends are unreliable, they left me to ruin. My family betrays me, my children have left me. I have no one else but you LORD. YOU have proven that YOU are the friend who sticks closer than a brother, do not leave me LORD
  8. I find myself vulnerable to many temptations in my loneliness LORD. Help me to avoid costly errors and mistakes because I am over whelmed by being alone. YOU are a Faithful GOD, I pray YOU will not allow me to be tempted beyond what I can bear, provide me with an escape from temptations in JESUS Name.
  9. I have suffered rejection from the people I gave my heart to. They betrayed me and left me, my trust was shattered and my heart wounded. I come to YOU to be made whole again JESUS. For the sake of YOUR great name, YOU O LORD will not reject YOUR child, for YOU were pleased to create me as YOURS, heal my wounded heart, in JESUS Name.
  10. FATHER to the fatherless, The defender of widows, this is who YOU are in YOUR holy dwelling. YOU set the lonely in the family free and YOU lead the prisoners out with singing. YOU are my provider, protector, redeemer, my ever-present help through every dark situation. Break me loose from this loneliness, in JESUS Name.
  11. I will not be defeated by this emptiness ,I will not be beaten down from fighting to believe in GOD’s plan for my life. YOU are my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in YOU, and I am helped by YOU. My heart leaps for Joy and I will give thanks to YOU LORD, in JESUS Name.
  12. Fill me up LORD with good things and renew my youth like the eagle’s, let me overflow in YOUR abundance as the waters cover the sea. Surround me with YOUR presence , lead me back home into YOUR loving embrace and safety, protect me from the emptiness of loneliness, help me to defeat its oppressive weight, shake me up that I will be light and filled with YOUR joy, in JESUS Name.
  13. LORD, I return to YOU. For YOU are merciful and compassionate. Slow to anger and filled with unfailing love. Even with all my imperfections, YOU are unwilling to punish me and YOU love me. Thank YOU LORD, for my heart is save with YOU, I return to YOU, in JESUS Name.
  14. FATHER, I break free from the oppression of loneliness and I surrender my life completely to YOU and allow YOU take control and take over. I vacate LORD for YOU to occupy and fill up my space, let me be full of YOU. My hope will not lead to disappointment, I come into the overflowing of my GOD who loves me and fills me up completely, in JESUS Name.
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