Prayer Points For Wisdom and Discernment

Scripture: Proverbs 2:6

For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.

Prayer Points

  1. FATHER, bestow upon me a discerning spirit so that I will make the right decisions at all times, in JESUS Name.
  2. FATHER, fill me with YOUR SPIRIT of wisdom so that I may live long and fulfil my destiny, in JESUS Name.
  3. FATHER endue me with the spirit of discernment, in JESUS Name.
  4. FATHER, cast away the spirit of confusion from my life and replace it with the spirit of wisdom and discernment in JESUS Name.
  5. I shall no longer be spiritually blind, in JESUS Name.
  6. Every evil friend in my life shall be exposed by the spirit of discernment in my life in JESUS Name.
  7. By the Spirit of GOD I shall always know what to do at the right time in the Name of JESUS
  8. LORD guide my steps not to seek counsel from the ungodly. Let YOUR HOLY SPIRIT counsel and empower me to make the right decisions in JESUS Name.
  9. FATHER, open my spiritual eyes to see what my physical eyes cannot see, in JESUS Name.
  10. FATHER, open my eyes to perceive evil before it comes near me, in JESUS Name.
  11. I declare the spirit of discernment at work in my life in JESUS Name.
  12. FATHER, lead me to open doors of opportunity that YOU have prepared for me in JESUS Name .
  13. LORD , bless me with the faith that gives me the confidence to face difficulties unfazed, knowing that Your plans are always perfect in JESUS Name.
  14. FATHER, help me make the right decisions that allow me to experience YOUR power and love in my life in JESUS Name.
  15. LORD, teach me, that I may walk in YOUR wisdom.
  16. FATHER, guide my steps so that I do not end up in the wrong path, and direct my thoughts so that I do not make the wrong choices in JESUS Name.
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