Wednesday, January 5 2022 – 21 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme

Let YOUR restoration power rest upon any Rebirth minister that is sick.

As YOU restored the health of Job, let the health of every sick minister in Rebirth be supernaturally restored to pristine condition. There will be no lingering impact of sickness on any minister.

Job 33:24

Acts 3:16

And HIS Name, through faith in HIS Name, has made this man strong and has given him this perfect soundness…

I pray for the SL and her household, that GOD will grant them perfect soundness of health.

She shall be made strong and no affliction shall overcome her or anyone in her house.

Isaiah 53:4, 5b

Surely, He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; The chastisement(price) for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.

Let every grief and every sorrow of every member of Rebirth be carried away and be remembered no more.

Let the price for our peace and the price for our healing, which JESUS paid, speak over every life.

Let there be supernatural restoration for every member of Rebirth.

Luke 3:17

HIS winnowing fan is in HIS hand, and HE will thoroughly clean out HIS threshing floor, and gather the wheat into HIS barn; but the chaff HE will burn with unquenchable fire.”

Anything that GOD has not planted, any root of sickness, in the lives of the SL and her husband and children, be uprooted and thrown into unquenchable fire.

Nothing good shall be lost or damaged. Everything evil shall be supernaturally removed and thrown into everlasting fire.

Luke 22:31

“Simon, Simon! Indeed, satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat.”

I shut the mouth of the kingdom of darkness concerning the SL and her husband and their household.

No weapon formed against them shall prosper.

Every tongue that rises against them is condemned.

They shall not lose anyone in their family and ministry.


Is it not YOU that has made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side? YOU have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.

I decree that this scripture is the portion of the family of Rebirth.

YOUR hedge of protection over us shall not be broken.

Pandemic or not, we are blessed and shall increase in the land.

I thank YOU for the supernatural protection package that I have secured in YOU. Per YOUR WORD in Psalm 91, YOU shall deliver me from every perilous pestilence because I take refuge in YOU.

I will not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence of the darkness nor of the destruction that lays waste during the day.

Since darkness cannot overpower light, I declare that nothing will cover the light of my destiny from full manifestation.

Just as the destiny of Joseph manifested despite opposition, I pray and declare that everything that the enemy is using to cover my glory be totally removed in JESUS Name.

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