Day 5 – 7 days Total Restoration

Total Restoration

Financial Restoration

Confess and meditate on these Scriptures

Luke 6:38, Job 22:25-28

Prayer Points

  • FATHER, I was a fool in the area of money and time management. Restore unto me the power to make wealth and bring my helpers, promotion, and favour to me wherever they are located in the Name of JESUS.
  • I thank YOU LORD for restoring all my wasted resources, finances and years in the Name of JESUS.
  • FATHER, turn embarrassing situations in my life around for good, in the Name of JESUS.
  • LORD, restore help to save me from frustrating situations in the Name of JESUS.
  • My GOD, deliver me from the curse of begging and borrowing in the Name of JESUS.
  • HOLY SPIRIT, end yearly financial struggles in my life in the Name of JESUS.
  • HOLY SPIRIT, restore unto me the power of praise in the Name of JESUS.
  • I declare in the Name of JESUS that the blessings of Abraham reach me as I pray.
  • I declare according to GOD’S WORD that my field is blessed, my house is blessed, and the blessing of my inheritance extends to my generations.
  • I declare and decree that every work of my hands will prosper in JESUS Name.
  • In the Name of JESUS, I declare that curses of poverty, negligence, laziness, are ripped and cut off from my generation and to the 10th generations.
  • Thank YOU, FATHER, because YOU heal my finances. Thank YOU, FATHER, for enlightening my understanding with good judgment, reasoning, and wisdom to manage my money with great wisdom.
  • I declare in the Name of JESUS that neither unemployment nor disengagement will enter my house. The favour of GOD finds a place for me in my home and there will be no retrenchment. Even when others are fired from their jobs, the Blood of CHRIST covers me and my household in JESUS Name.
  • I confess that according to GOD’S WORD, by HIS powerful blessing upon us, we will never beg all the days of our lives.
  • FATHER, release the power to get wealth and the wisdom of GOD to create multiple streams of income according to Deuteronomy 8:18 in the Name of JESUS.
  • LORD I ask for uncommon financial miracles in my life as I partake in this prayer challenge in JESUS Name.
  • I command the 4 cardinal points of my nation and the earth to release every financial increase that is due and or long overdue in the Name of JESUS.
  • Thank you lord
  • Thank GOD for answers to your prayers.
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