What Is Happening To My Marriage? – Day 9

Tuesday 13 September 2022

  • Every power firing arrows into the waters to manipulate my life, perish with your arrows in the Name of JESUS.
  • (With your finger pointed to the sky) I use the key of David to unlock the storehouses of the heavens and I command my portion to be released by fire in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  • You spirits and powers of the air, I bind and paralyze your activities against my marriage in JESUS’ Name.
  • Every ancient law programmed into the heavens to block my rainfall, be broken and be cancelled now by the power in the Blood of JESUS.
  • You spirits and powers of the air, release my marital blessings by fire in the Name of JESUS.
  • Any power assigned to shut my heavens and convert it to brass, receive divine judgment, fall down and perish in the Name of JESUS.
  • O LORD my GOD, open the heavens unto me and cause it to rain abundance upon my marriage in the Name of JESUS.
  • LORD, I request angelic reinforcement; let 12 legions of your military angels be dispatched to assist me in this battle in the mighty Name of JESUS.
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