Day 7. – 8 January 2023

Prayer Points

  1. FATHER in the Name of JESUS, we thank YOU because YOU are the GOD of Redemption WHO paid the price of our freedom in JESUS CHRIST YOUR SON. Since the price has been paid in full, nothing or no one should ever rule over us. Praise the LORD!
  2. FATHER we ask YOU to forgive us for the wilful sins that we have committed that have opened unlawful doors in our lives to allow strongholds to take root in our lives. Today we confess those acts of disobedience and we repent from them, in the Name of JESUS!
  3. FATHER we ask YOU to forgive the sins of our fathers who also sinned against YOU, opening doors to the consequences that we are suffering from today. We confess and repent from all these generational sins and plead for forgiveness by the Blood of JESUS and HIS holy Name (Daniel 9:4-19; Nehemiah 1:4-11; Esdras 9:3-15)
  4. FATHER in the mighty Name of JESUS, we refuse all strongholds whether they be demonic oppression, sinful lifestyles, mental bondage or emotional captivities. We reject them and refuse to let them take away our freedom in CHRIST and to limit our actions as redeemed sons and daughters of the LIVING GOD. We denounce them, we expose them and renounce them in the mighty Name of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS the MESSIAH.
  5. Demonic oppressions I bind and cast you out of my life in the Name of JESUS!
  6. You strongholds of sins I rebuke you and all the demonic forces that are behind you, in the Name of JESUS! You cannot anymore rule over my life, you cannot anymore control my actions and affect my lifestyle. I proclaim that by the Name of JESUS and through the Blood of JESUS I have been set free, and in HIM I am free indeed!
  7. You alcoholism I rebuke you, destroy your power and remove your yokes over my life, in the ALMIGHTY Name of JESUS.
  8. You drug addiction I rebuke you, destroy your power and remove your yokes over my life, in the ALMIGHTY Name of JESUS.
  9. You spirit of fear I rebuke you, destroy your power and remove your yokes over my life, in the ALMIGHTY Name of JESUS (do the same with all types of strongholds in your life, one by one)
  10. FATHER, we plead with YOU to close all these doors that have been opened in our lives so that these forces of strongholds will not be able to build up again in our lives.
  11. Thank YOU FATHER for the freedom and victory over all strongholds. For in all these things we are more than overcomers through YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST and no sin will ever be able to separate us from YOUR love that YOU have manifested for us in CHRIST JESUS (Romans 8).
  12. Thank GOD for answered prayers.
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