Day 1 – 7 days Total Restoration

Total Restoration

Restoration of Spiritual Life

Confess and meditate on these Scriptures

Joel 2:28, Acts 2:1-2,1 Corinthians 12:7-11, Galatians 5:22-23

Prayer Points

FATHER, pour out YOUR SPIRIT upon me, I need a fresh anointing and revival in JESUS Name.
FATHER, I desire to do YOUR will, refresh my thirsty soul by YOUR power.
Father, give me new depths of intimacy with the HOLY SPIRIT in the Name of JESUS.
FATHER, anoint me with fresh oil as I embark on this prayer challenge by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.
FATHER, let there be a sudden visitation of the Holy Spirit that will cause revival to break forth in every area of my life in JESUS Name.
LORD, let there be visible demonstrations of Your power in my life in JESUS Name.
LORD, stir up every spiritual gift in my life that has become dormant or inactive due to backsliding by fire.
By the Power of the HOLY GHOST, let there be divine investment of spiritual gifts and uncommon abilities in my life.
FATHER let the fruits of the spirit manifest in my life.I decree that I am deeply rooted in YOUR love and bear upward fruit and that only the fruits of righteousness are made manifest in my life.
FATHER, restore the hunger and thirst I had for YOUR Kingdom to build the Rebirth Ministry into strong army, to take territories for YOU.
Anoint me to reach lost souls and share the gospel in the Name of JESUS.
LORD, I decree upon my life the anointing to overtake and recover all my lost glory in the Name of JESUS.
FATHER, open my eyes and reveal what is keeping me from serving YOU as YOU desire.
LORD, help me to fast and pray like never before.
LORD, let 2022 be my year of restoration of greatness and glory in JESUS Name.
FATHER, renew YOUR fire and passion in my life for the work of the ministry in JESUS Name.
LORD, birth in me a mighty hunger for YOUR presence in JESUS Name.
FATHER, revive my personal walk with YOU in JESUS Name.
I declare that my walk with the LORD will not be in vain, I declare that as I walk with the LORD, I will not fail HIM.
I declare that as I receive strength and grace for the work that YOUR strength is made perfect in JESUS CHRIST.

I seal every prayer in the Blood of JESUS CHRIST. Amen.

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