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Friday Night Vigil – July 12, 2019‬ on Periscope

12 July, 2019 @ 11:30 pm - 13 July, 2019 @ 11:30 pm

Rebirth Friday Night Vigil

Friday Night Vigil – July 12, 2019‬

‪Praise and worship at 11:40PM (20 minutes) – Nigerian Time ‬

‪Log on to Periscope at 11.55PM – Nigerian Time‬



Ephesians 5:3 

But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;


  1. FATHER, I come boldly before YOUR throne of grace and mercy to find help and strength in my time of need.
  2. LORD, YOUR WORD says in Matthew 26:41 to watch and pray so that we will not enter into temptation, for we know that the spirit is willing, but FATHER, I know my flesh is weak.
  3. LORD, YOUR WORD says in James 4:7 that if we submit ourselves unto You, and resist the enemy, he will flee from us.
  4. LORD I fully submit to YOU, I resist this lust, I need YOU.
  5. FATHER, I am weak, but YOU are made strong in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9), so by my faith, I overcome, in YOU. Being unable to overcome this lust myself, I give the burden to YOU by faith (Psalm 55:22) so that I am able to withstand the devil and his many temptations, by my faith, my strength, and hope, that is in in YOU.
  6. Therefore, LORD I confess that I am strong in YOU, and in the power of YOUR might (Ephesians 6:10).
  7. FATHER, in the Name of JESUS, I cast down every wicked, lustful, lascivious, and unclean thought of the enemy in the Name of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth (2 Cor 10:5).
  8. In YOUR strength, I refuse, and will refuse, to allow any thoughts of the enemy to enter in; I cast them from me in the Name of JESUS.
  9. I completely repent and turn from all lust.
  10. FATHER, I pray that YOU will cause me to think upon those things which are pure, honest, and of a good report (Philippians 4:8), and I pray that YOU will not allow my mind to wander into idleness and lust, but that it stay upon the Name and person of JESUS.
  11. FATHER, I thank YOU for revealing the evil lustful spirits, attempting to drive me to lust.
    I thank YOU and believe YOU will not allow me to be drawn away by the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, or the pride of Life (John 2:16).
  12. I thank YOU for not allowing me to be overcome with lust in my eyes, for I know the eyes are the door to the heart, and YOUR WORD says to guard my heart with all diligence
    (Proverbs 4:23).
  13. FATHER, please help me guard my heart by the words that I speak, and strengthen me to guard my thoughts and eyes.
  14. FATHER, I pray that YOU place upon me the whole amour of GOD, so that I will always be able to stand against the devises of the enemy
    (Ephesians 6:10-20).
  15. I pray and thank YOU, that YOU lead and deliver me from every temptation of lust, sin, and evil desire.
  16. In the Name of the LORD JESUS, I take authority over satan, every principality, every evil spirit, and every spirit of wickedness in high places.
  17. I cut every ungodly soul tie associated with all evil memory recall concerning lust.
  18. I bind all spirits involved in the Name of JESUS CHRIST, and render them without power to operate in my life. I cut all lust, and all its triggers off my mind, will, and emotions and I surrender lust and its desires from out of my heart, to YOU LORD JESUS.
  19. In the Name of JESUS, I bind and cast off every spirit of lust, adultery, fornication, lasciviousness, and uncleanliness in my life.
  20. FATHER, I surrender my body to YOU as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1), and I recognize that my body is the temple of the ALMIGHTY LIVING GOD, and a dwelling place for HIS HOLY SPIRIT (1 Corinthians 6:19), and I rejoice in knowing that the Blood of JESUS CHRIST sanctifies, cleanses and covers me.
  21. Luke 10:19 says, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy:
    satan, in the Name of the LORD JESUS, every stronghold, you have attempted to bring against me is rendered, powerless and void, by the authority of JESUS CHRIST!
  22. I put off all forms of lust and put on my new nature, in spirit, of holiness righteousness, and purity, (Ephesians 4:24).
  23. I strip lust of all power over my flesh and carnal mind!
  24. JESUS has defeated you satan and I take dominion over you. Listen well, you are under my feet, and your power of lust and sin is broken in my life.
  25. I abide in JESUS.
  26. I have dominion and have received victory.
  27. FATHER, I thank YOU for hearing my prayer, and delivering me from the power of the enemy.
  28. I thank YOU for YOUR WORD, that it is established in my heart, my thoughts, and life.
  29. I thank YOU for giving me power over the enemy, I thank YOU for strengthening me so that my body is not defiled by lust, because it is YOUR Temple.
  30. Thank YOU LORD, for restoring me, for cleansing me, and for overcoming for me.
  31. I praise YOU,(from my heart) and give YOU all the glory, and sing Hallelujah to the Name of JESUS.
  32. I have the victory in YOU and through YOU.
  33. I believe I have received (Mark11:24) the victory.
  34. Philippians 4:13 assures me that I can do all things through CHRIST WHICH strengtheneth me.
  35. I praise YOU GOD and give YOU glory.
  36. Thank YOU LORD for the Rebirth Ministry.
  37. Thank you LORD for answering my prayers.


12 July, 2019 @ 11:30 pm
13 July, 2019 @ 11:30 pm
Event Category:


Rebirth on Periscope