Praise and worship at 11:40PM (20 minutes) – Nigerian Time
Log on to Periscope at 11.55PM – Nigerian Time
Psalm 37:3-9
Trust in the LORD and do good.
Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
Take delight in the LORD,
and HE will give you your heart’s desires.
Commit everything you do to the LORD
Trust HIM, and HE will help you.
HE will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,
and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.
Be still in the presence of the LORD,
and wait patiently for HIM to act.
Don’t worry about evil people who prosper
or fret about their wicked schemes.
Stop being angry!
Turn from your rage!
Do not lose your temper –
it only leads to harm.
For the wicked will be destroyed,
but those who trust in the LORD will possess the land.
Prayer Points
* JEHOVAH, please help me to faithfully serve YOU and care for other people. Do not let me practice eye-service, but let me be truthful in my endeavors. Let me act as YOUR true representative on earth, so that I can be duly rewarded in heaven. For in the Name of JESUS CHRIST I pray.
* Dear LORD, how best can I serve YOU, and how can I offer an acceptable sacrifice to YOU? I have realized that YOU cannot be deceived with a dishonourable gift – no matter how significant it appears! Please help me to serve you without ulterior motives. Let me be sincere with my gifts, and let them come from a pure heart. Let my sacrifices of thanksgiving satisfy YOU, and enable me to maintain consistent service to YOU, so that I can be qualified to receive YOUR blessings. For in the Name of JESUS CHRIST I pray.
* FATHER, please do not let me make empty promises to YOU, but help me to honour YOU with my promises. Please forgive me of all unredeemed vows. I repent today, and I will immediately redeem all the pledges that I have made to YOU in the past. After I redeem my pledges, let my delayed blessings be released. Henceforth, let me satisfy YOU with pleasant offerings, and let my gifts gladden YOUR heart towards me – so that I can prosper in the land of the living. For in the Name of JESUS CHRIST I pray.
* FATHER, please keep me steadfast with YOU at all time, and help me to relate to YOU as a friend and a father. Enable me to share my thoughts with YOU and also seek YOUR directions. Give me the grace to follow YOUR instructions and not yield to the desires of the flesh. Empower me through your HOLY SPIRIT to relate with YOU with integrity. Let me serve YOU with dignity and honour, and let all my services be acceptable in YOUR sight. Please count me among people that will receive YOUR imperishable rewards in heaven. For in the Name of JESUS CHRIST I pray.
* JEHOVAH, I believe that JESUS CHRIST is YOUR only SON sent to save the world. Through HIM, I receive salvation and gift of eternal life, since there is no any other name under heaven through which anyone can be saved. I swear my allegiance to JESUS CHRIST, and I am determined to serve HIM throughout the days of my life – so help me GOD!
* ALMIGHTY, I realize that YOU want my perfect attention, and YOU want me to maintain a consistent relationship with YOU; therefore, I ask for YOUR grace to remain faithful and meet YOUR holy expectations. Energize me through YOUR HOLY SPIRIT to walk in YOUR ways so that I can prosper throughout the days of my life. For in the Name of JESUS CHRIST I pray.
* LOVING FATHER, I understand that I am a child of light and I must not associate with children of darkness. Therefore, I ask YOU to help me maintain a disciplined attitude and not make friends with worldly people. Help me to comply with YOUR godly standard that will keep me qualified for your blessings. For in the Name of JESUS CHRIST I pray.
* Dear HEAVENLY FATHER, what a privilege I have to be YOUR child! I am YOUR choice child and I am the apple of YOUR eye. I believe that YOU will go any extent to defend YOUR glory in my life. YOU will rescue me from evil, and YOU will give me the upper hand over my adversaries. In fact, with my very eyes, I will see my expectations fulfilled on my adversaries! All that I ask is the grace to remain YOUR true child. Please keep my feet steadfast in YOUR presence, and let me remain fit to inherit YOUR kingdom. For in the Name of JESUS CHRIST I pray.
* Dear GOD, please teach me how to offer my best sacrifices to YOU at all time. Let my offerings be pure, and let them be acceptable in YOUR presence. Please let my efforts usher in YOUR blessings, and let me receive YOUR riches and honour that follow acts of obedience. For in the Name of JESUS CHRIST I pray.
* O LORD, I ask YOU to please make me a faithful servant who will remain loyal to YOU always. I also pray for YOUR other servants throughout the world. Please give everyone the courage and strength to serve YOU well. Empower us to consider serving YOU our prime goal. Let YOUR servants’ efforts bear fruits for YOUR kingdom; let our various efforts lead to the salvation of souls so that the devil can be ashamed and YOUR Name be praised. For in the Name of JESUS CHRIST I pray.
* I thank YOU GOD for YOU are the LORD OF LORD’S and GOD OF GOD’S. For YOUR goodness is far-reaching, and YOUR wisdom is unsearchable. YOU are a wonderful GOD at all time. YOU are the HUSBAND of the widows; WIFE of the widowers, and FATHER of the orphans. YOUR faithfulness reaches from coast to coast; it extends from north to south, and from east to west. I thank YOU, GOD for all YOUR goodness in my life. Thanks again GOD, and I say Amen!
* O LORD, I have been challenged to realize that my extra efforts will call for YOUR special attention. Therefore, I ask that YOU give me the grace to serve YOU better. Help me to make YOU happy by adding more efforts to my Christian services, so that I can be exceptionally blessed in this life, and in heaven also. For in the Name of JESUS CHRIST I pray.
* Thank YOU LORD for the Rebirth Ministry.
* Thank YOU LORD for answered prayers.