Praise and worship at 11:40PM (20 minutes) – Nigerian Time
Log on to Periscope at 11.55PM – Nigerian Time
1 Peter 4:7
The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear-minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.
Prayer Points
* Loving LORD and Heavenly FATHER, how I thank YOU for the holy Scriptures and the truth within its pages.
* Thank YOU for the opportunity to spend time in YOUR WORD and I pray that YOU would prepare my heart for this time of seeking YOUR face.
* Help me to set my mind on things above and not on earthly things. Keep away all that would distract me from YOUR WORD and develop in me a teachable spirit and ears that listen to YOUR still small voice – and I pray that the eyes of my heart be open to see all that YOU want me to know in JESUS Name.
* LORD I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart may always be acceptable and pleasing to YOU.
* I pray that I may study to show myself approved unto GOD. Give me insight and understanding as I read and reflect on YOUR WORD daily and may I mature in the faith, grow in grace and come to a deeper knowledge of my LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST through my time in prayer – this I ask in JESUS Name.
* Thank YOU FATHER for YOUR gracious gift of prayer that enables me to enter YOUR throne room of grace any time, knowing that YOU have granted access to all who are bought with the precious Blood of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
* Thank YOU that I may come boldly to YOUR throne of grace, so that I may obtain mercy and grace to help in time of need.
* Thank YOU LORD for the Rebirth Ministry.
* Thank YOU LORD for answered prayers.