Monday, January 3 2022 – 21 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme

I thank YOU for bringing me into a new year. I thank YOU for preserving my life, my family and the family of Rebirth despite the global pandemic. I am thankful for YOUR faithfulness.

I am returning to say thank YOU. Receive all the glory, honour and praises.

YOU are the GOD that changes times and seasons. I thank YOU for bringing me into a new time and a new season.

I thank YOU because of the season of pain and suffering is over.

I thank YOU the new season of restoration. I thank YOU for what YOU are set to do in the year 2022.

I thank YOU for YOUR restoration agenda YOU have declared through the mouth of YOUR servant.

I thank YOU because it shall be manifested in my life and the family of Rebirth.

I thank YOU because everything that I have lost shall be supernaturally restored.

I declare that I believe the WORD of YOUR servant regarding YOUR supernatural restoration agenda.

By the WORD YOU have sent through him, I am established, and I will prosper this year. Everything good thing that has been lost is supernaturally restored.

2 Chronicles 20:20b

I boldly declare that my mind is restored, my strength is restored, my vision is restored, my glorious marital destiny is restored, good relationships are restored, health is restored, faulty organs are restored.

By GOD’S supernatural power, they are restored to pristine conditions.

Job 33:24

Every good thing that the enemy has stolen from me, I command a sevenfold restoration. Anyway, or anyhow he has brought about delay to my glorious manifestation, let the times be restored.

Let my accrued blessings be delivered right now in JESUS Name.

Proverbs 6: 31

I receive grace to wait on YOU for the next 21 days.

I receive supernatural enablement to fast and pray.

I receive the grace for an acceptable fast.

I will not fast in the flesh or in vain. Throughout this fasting period, I receive the grace to walk in the SPIRIT and not in the flesh.

Galatians 5:16.

I pray that the restoration agenda that YOU have shown YOUR servant, YOU will hasten YOUR WORD to perform it.

From this moment and all throughout 2022, the family of Rebirth shall enjoy supernatural restoration.

The WORD shall not tarry nor be delayed. Jeremiah 1:12

I pray that this year that YOU will do new things in my life and in the Ministry of Rebirth.

I pray that YOU will increase my greatness on every side.

It shall spring forth for everyone to see. Isaiah 43:9

I pray for an outpouring of YOUR SPIRIT in Rebirth.

Open the eyes of our understanding.

Let the young and old see visions, dream dreams and see what YOU are about to do. Joel 2:28

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