Prayer Points For Patience in Trying Times

Prayer Points For Patience in Trying Times

Scripture: Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Prayer Points

  1. LORD give me strength, renew my strength and give me the spirit of patience, in the Name of JESUS.
  2. Teach me LORD to trust YOUR sense of timing rather than my own and to surrender my will to YOUR greater and wiser plan in JESUS Name.
  3. LORD grant me the patience to await YOUR blessings upon my life and not question YOUR power in JESUS Name.
  4. Guide me LORD, accordingly to the will and purpose for my life, as I quietly wait upon YOU, I will rest confident in YOUR love, knowing that YOU have already scheduled every day of my life in JESUS Name.
  5. I need YOU, LORD show me the purpose I need to fulfil as I walk on this magnificent creation called earth in JESUS Name.
  6. Lead the way to success, prosperity and most importantly to fulfil the destiny YOU have in store for me. Help me to build my faith and to know I must be still and know that YOU are GOD.
  7. Teach to be patient in my suffering and learn to profit by the suffering that comes across our path in JESUS Name.
  8. I decree and declare that I shall not be foolish and quickly lose my temper, but I shall be sensible and patient in JESUS Name.
  9. I allow my hope in God to make me glad. I shall be happy and patient in troubling times and never stop praying in JESUS Name.
  10. GOD makes me patient and cheerful, and helps me to live at peace with others, as I follow CHRIST in JESUS Name.
  11. I decree that GOD is working in me to make me willing and able to obey HIM for HIS pleasure, and that I shall learn to do everything without grumbling or arguing in JESUS Name.
  12. I let patience have its peaceful and perfect work in me and humble myself as this occurs. I decree and declare that I shall not fight against patience as it does its perfect work in me in JESUS Name.
  13. LORD make me more patient so I can hold on until you turn things around for my favor in JESUS Name.
  14. LORD I pray for an outpouring of patience, divine understanding and revelation in life in JESUS Name.
  15. Righteous GOD, I will be still before YOU and wait patiently for YOU; I will not worry when people succeed in their ways when they carry out their wicked schemes. I wait patiently for YOU because I know that YOU who began a good work in me, is faithful to complete it within me, I know that YOU shall succeed in YOUR ways and YOUR plans for my life in JESUS Name.
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