Monday, January 10 2022 – 21 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme

FATHER I thank YOU for answering my prayers and for the grace granted the family of Rebirth in this fasting and prayer exercise. I receive further grace for an acceptable fast coupled with prayer as we continue in this divine adventure this week.

I pray for every child and young adult at Rebirth, even those in the womb and yet to be born.

They shall be great.

They are for signs and wonders.

May the seven SPIRITS of GOD that were on JESUS come upon them.

Luke 1:15, Isaiah 11:2.

Luke 2: 49

And HE said to them, “Why did YOU seek ME? Did YOU not know that I must be about MY FATHER’S business?”

I pray for the children of Rebirth that they shall be filled with the spirit of discernment and purpose.

From their youth, they shall accurately discern the purpose of GOD for their lives and pursue it.

I boldly declare that every child at Rebirth shall grow and increase in wisdom and stature, and in favour with GOD and men. Luke 2: 52

1 Corinthians 3:10

Per the grace of GOD which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another build on it. Heavenly FATHER, I ask for the grace of a wise master builder be granted the Servant Leader, Kemi Balogun.

As YOU granted Solomon wisdom, grant unto her uncommon wisdom, knowledge and understanding to lead YOUR ministry.

Heavenly FATHER, YOU are the builder of all things.

Prosper the work that is done in the Rebirth Ministry and give us good increase.

Cause multitudes of souls be added daily to Rebirth on all our platforms.

1 Corinthians 3:6

My FATHER, I come against every spirit of division at Rebirth.

Let there be unity and oneness of purpose and language.

Let every labourer in YOUR house receive a reward.

Despite the lockdowns, build YOUR church and let not the gates of hell prevail against it. 1 Corinthians 3:8, Isaiah 45:19

FATHER I thank YOU for answering my prayers and for the grace granted the family of Rebirth in this fasting and prayer exercise. I receive further grace for an acceptable fast coupled with prayer as we continue in this divine adventure this week.

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