Day 8. – 9 January 2023

Prayer Points

  1. LORD JESUS, I exalt YOU for the gift of life that YOU have given to me to witness this day.
  2. I thank YOU because YOU have been the PROTECTOR of my Goshen and it is by YOUR mercy that I’m not consumed.
  3. LORD, let YOUR Name be exalted in the Name of JESUS.
  4. LORD I thank YOU for YOUR forgiveness in my own life
  5. LORD JESUS, I pray for the Spirit of forgiveness. I ask that YOU will bless me with the spirit of forgiveness in the Name of JESUS. LORD, I don’t want to be destroyed by the pain, anger and resentment I am feeling, I want to be freed by forgiving other people. LORD, please grant me the Spirit of forgiveness in the Name of JESUS.
  6. LORD I thank YOU for not holding against me all my acts of rebellion, of disobedience and unfaithfulness to YOU, but YOU have forgiven them and taken them away from me and from YOUR sight as far as the east is separate from the west, in the Name of JESUS.
  7. LORD GOD I stand to forgive everyone that has ever hated me and hurt me, in the Name of JESUS.
  8. LORD I forgive anyone that has gone against the will of GOD in me, for those that have gone away from YOUR presence in this Ministry let them be gathered together again and that we may work as a team and one body of JESUS CHRIST.
  9. LORD, give me the strength to forgive others the same way YOU have forgiven me freely in CHRIST JESUS.
  10. LORD JESUS, I pray that YOU will unlock all the blessings that unforgiveness has denied me of, I pray that YOU will release them to me today in the Name of JESUS.
  11. LORD, I pray for the Spirit of obedience to YOUR WORD that says we should forgive others just as GOD has forgiven us all our sins. FATHER LORD, I pray for spiritual maturity to attain this stage in the Name of JESUS.
  12. FATHER LORD, I come against every spirit of stubbornness. Every satanic spirit of captivity that wants to keep me in bondage through the unforgiving spirit, I destroy it by the fire of the HOLY GHOST.
  13. LORD JESUS, I pray for deliverance from the power of captivity. Every form of slavery that I have been thrown into by the spirit of unforgiveness, I break out of it today in the Name of JESUS.
  14. LORD give me the grace to forgive so that any hindrances will be removed from my prayers during this month of prayer and fasting, in the Name of JESUS.
  15. FATHER, today, I forgive and set free , , and _, in the Name of JESUS.
  16. LORD from now, I receive grace to forgive and forget. I receive grace to begin to operate in a greater dimension in the Name of JESUS. The grace not to harbour pain, anger or resentment, I pray you give it to me in the Name of JESUS.
  17. I trust YOU GOD to deal justly with the person who’s violated and wronged me. I will leave the justice up to YOU. I don’t want to be overcome with evil, but desire to overcome evil with good, by forgiving. I am confident in YOUR WORD, which proclaims I can do all things through YOU, WHO gives me strength.
  18. I will surrender my unforgiveness to YOU and forgive.
  19. Thank YOU, my precious LORD and SAVIOUR!
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