What Is Happening To My Marriage? – Day 3

Wednesday 7 September 2022

  • Every evil gate blocking my marriage in this land, be uprooted and be cast into the fire in the Name of JESUS.
  • Evil gates of my father’s house working against my marriage, be uprooted and be roasted by fire in the Name of JESUS.
  • Stargazers monitoring my marriage from near and afar, receive angelic slaps, be consumed by worms of fire in the mighty Name of JESUS.
  • Anyone reporting me to evil consultants in the land, receive divine judgment, fall down and perish in JESUS’ Name.
  • Any evil consultant accepting any case against me, receive angelic slap, be consumed by worms of fire in the Name of JESUS.
  • Any evil altar deliberating against my marriage, receive divine judgment, catch fire and burn to ashes in the Name of JESUS.
  • I grab the dust of the earth by faith; as I release it let it travel like missiles into the camp of all the enemies of my marriage in the Name of JESUS (symbolically scoop the dust with your hands and sprinkle it in the air).
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