Thursday, January 6 2022 – 21 Days Prayer & Fasting Programme

Psalm 46:8 Come, behold the works of the SPIRIT, WHO has made desolations in the earth. 9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; I decree that every battle that has been raging in my lineage – sickness, affliction, curse, failure of many generation, in my FATHER’s and mother’s house – let them cease forevermore.

Daniel 3:24

“Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?” 25 “Look! I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt…”

Every counsel of the wicked concerning me is destroyed.

I declare that I am coming out of every pit and fire that the enemy has thrown me into and I am coming out unhurt. For I know that I am not alone, that YOU are with me.

Psalm 105:14

He permitted no one to do them wrong; Yes, HE rebuked kings for their sakes, 15 Saying, “Do not touch MY anointed ones, and do MY prophets no harm.” I decree that nothing is permitted to harm the family of Rebirth. Every ungodly counsel concerning Rebirth and the workers is hereby rebuked.

Job 42:12

Now the SPIRIT blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning;

I declare in the Name of JESUS; my best days are not behind me but are ahead of me.

I pray this year that YOU will lead me to find green pastures.

I will not inhabit the dry places of the earth. Throughout this year I will enjoy peace and calmness as YOU lead me besides the still waters.

I will be far from calamity and hardship.

I pray the same prayer for the family of Rebirth and its leadership.

Psalm 23

I ask that Rebirth be established and exalted above all limitations.

Let everything covering the glory of this commission be rolled away and removed.

I pray that the glorious light of the Rebirth commission shall shine forth for the whole world to see.

I pray for YOUR supernatural move that will usher in people from all over the world into Rebirth.

Isaiah 2:2 Isaiah 60:1-3.

As YOU have chosen YOUR Servant Leader, Kemi Balogun as an apostle of the end time, I pray that her light shall not be hidden.

Her voice will be heard in all nations of the world.

As light shines in darkness and darkness cannot overcome it, let the ministry of SL Kemi Balogun shine all over the world.

Luke 11:33

I declare that I am an agent of transformation and of godly influence in my household, community, city, nation and the entire world.

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