In awe of GOD’S love, and HIS immeasurable power towards us, we believe in the coming together of women who know GOD has deposited treasures in them and believe in prayer as a weapon for the manifestation of these treasures.
The Rebirthrwc Soup Kitchen is a project under the umbrella of Rebirthrwc the women’s prayer ministry, towards stopping hunger in local areas of Lagos state and beyond.
We started by providing a meal of jollof rice, beans and chicken stew for up to 5000 people once a month but we are providing meals more than once a month now, and our reach has spread into over 4 countries.
God is soooooo good. Remember the English exam that I asked if you think I should go ahead and take? I did the exam yesterday and I passed with a distinction 🙏🙏 Also my chosen topic to discuss was ‘prayer’ 🙏, God answered my prayers and gave me an examiner who would not find the topic awkward. 😁 Thank you So much SL for your guidance and prayers 🤍🤍 Yesterday June 1 during the 5am prayers you mentioned someone trying to buy something that they don’t need 🙈, I didn’t think you were referring to me as I only wanted… Read more “Testimonial 0007”
I have come to give GLORY to GOD for HIS unfailing love, HIS timely show of love towards me at a time I was down and nearly out. At the start of November, during the 5am prayers you declared that November would be our month of Divine Access. I RAN with that word, to the point where I would declare my divine access wherever I sensed a No from anyone or anywhere. On November 11th I decided to pray the ‘Prayers to get a permanent job this month’ from the Rebirth website. I was looking for a new job in… Read more “Testimonial 0152”
I would like to thank God for giving me a new Job. I had been feeling unfulfilled in my Job for a while but I stuck with it because I was working part time and it works for our family set-up. Recently, during one of the 5am prayer sessions, SL said she was led to pray for Jobs, businesses etc. I plugged into all the declarations. It felt like God orchestrated that session just for me. I held on to the declarations and believed God for something even though I was not actively looking for work. After the prayer session,… Read more “Testimonial 0162”
I have come to testify to God goodness. During the last midnight prayers one of the prayer point SL gave us was to pray against costly mistakes and shame. Yesterday at work I found out I made a huge mistake my giving wrong the business information. This gave the impression we would make 5billion naira instead of 3billion. I was shaking yesterday when I got the news and mails just started flying. I thought this was the end of the job I just started 6months ago, and what a huge shame. Then I remembered we had prayed against costly mistakes… Read more “Testimonial 0003”
This morning at the end of the 5 am prayers you should we should share this morning prayers to as many people. So I obeyed and shared to my contacts about 44 of them. As I was getting ready for work I saw one response from my husband’s young cousin and this was her message: ‘Good morning Ma, Thank you so much for this🙏🏽. God bless you ma, This message came at the right time. I woke up feeling very down, I have to go and sign for my dad’s inheritance today.Not a good feeling but it is well.’ I… Read more “Testimonial 0034”
Around the end of August during my prayers, I prayed for the SL, (I usually wonder how she does it but I know it’s GOD’s grace). I was asked by the HOLY SPIRIT to sow a particular amount to the Rebirth Ministry. I was wondering how I could do it as I was not buoyant at that time but I knew just had to obey, and I did. SL declared the month of September as our month of new beginnings and GOD confirmed it. He changed my job of 10 years where I could barely save to a salary of… Read more “Testimonial 0170”
I want to call GOD faithful for HIS provision and favour in my life I have been trusting GOD for a supply contract in Edo state. I have come to say GOD is indeed Faithful to HIS word. I held on in faith and kept confessing GOD’s word over the works of my hands. Even when I was the list of those qualified for the job, GOD showed me mercy and the job was given to me and by the wisdom of GOD I did the job perfectly. Thank you JESUS. Thank YOU FATHER GOD GOD bless you SL
GOD is in control On the 28th of June, I was asked to see the head teacher of my children’s school. I had finished taking the prayers for the fasting period not too long before. I called my husband and mentioned the meeting. The head teacher told me I had to withdraw my son who uses a wheelchair from the school because they couldn’t afford a chair lift like they had promised 5yrs ago. I kept thinking about how distraught my husband would be. We told our children and it was sad as they cried to sleep. It was at… Read more “Testimonial 0091”
At about 8:09pm on 28/4/2021 the Secretariat posted the program-the LORD’S Release- on the platform and I realised it was on the same day as the wedding of the son of my very dear friend. She had told me about the wedding since last year and I had promised her to attend. So I decided I was not going to register for the event since I wasn’t going to attend. Only for me to receive a message at about 8:48pm that same 28/04/2021 that I will be taking the opening prayers for the program. To be very honest it crossed… Read more “Testimonial 0013”
I want to return all the glory to God for what He has been doing in my life and my family. Yesterday my son was coming back home from Lekki conservation area, some police men stoped his Taxify and asked him to identify himself – they weren’t satisfied, and they took him to Ajah police station. At the station they took his phone and were checking his emails and chats and pictures. They suspected that my son was a yahoo boy. I rushed to the station because he shared his live location with me before they took his phone. How… Read more “Testimonial 0131”
I want to testify to the goodness of God and his protection over me and my children. On my way out to do school runs this morning, I realised my bunch of keys were missing. The kids and I looked all over the house to no avail. Something just told me to ask my son to open the front door and check if the keys were in the keyhole. To my surprise it was. The bunch of keys had our house and car keys. The car was parked in front of the house and the house keys were in our… Read more “Testimonial 0090”
All glory to GOD. I want to thank GOD for HIS faithfulness. My husband travelled to London and contrary to his normal practice took the train from Heathrow and boarded a black cab home. When he got home he realized that he had lost his wallet containing cash, all his bank cards and his US drivers license (alternative ID). He was devastated. We advised him to call TFL (Transport For London) who regulate all taxis and report it. The police came to the house to take a statement and told him that he should hope that no one entered the… Read more “Testimonial 0164”
I would like to share a testimony of God’s favor. Thank God for SL/Rebirth Ministry. One of the midnight/5am prayers SL mentioned for us to receive God’s grace and favor. I claimed it. I have been working part time at the Hospital for almost 2 yrs as a Medical Social Worker. Last Sunday, my manger called me to her office. My manager does not work on the weekends, I was surprised she was there. I went in her office, within minutes the President of the Hospital and Senior Team walked into my Manager’s office. I was confused, I didn’t know… Read more “Testimonial 0004”
Sometime in July 2021, when I woke up, I heard God told me to fast and speak in tongues as much as I could that day. It was strange instructions and I mumbled some tongues. As I was about to leave the house, I heard the same message again from the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues. As I left my estate to the main road, the other side was blocked because of traffic. I was going on my lane, suddenly, from no where, a vehicle was approaching me at very high speed. I thought it would stop since… Read more “Testimonial 0070”
All Glory to GOD Almighty. My family and I are travelling to Lagos for the Christmas holidays. A few days ago, I got an email from the airline saying that the flight out of London had been cancelled and rescheduled ….the new date was not favourable so I called the agents the following day, I expressed my concerns and they promised to call me back in 3 days with a solution or an update. I didn’t hear back from the agents after 72 hours so I called again, the agent I spoke with said that we had to pay the… Read more “Testimonial 0137”
I have come to testify to the glory of God for his protection over me and my family. I have been on maternity leave and I went back to work 1st week in February did only 2 nights and the following week I had a crack on my wrist and it became swollen and painful. Saw my gp and signed me off for 2 weeks but the pain didn’t go away and more painful, he then sent me for an emergency xray and result came back abnormal. Had a mild fracture. I was at home for 2months. Went back to… Read more “Testimonial 0001”
The whole thing started like child’s play. I never knew that’s the way kidney sickness begins. It started on my birthday May 11. God led Sis XXX to me. She prayed for me on that day and that was it, but she said God told her to be praying for me but didn’t know why. On the 15th of May thereabout the sickness took a new turn so I told Sis XXX about what I was going through and she told me she’s going to add me to a prayer group called Rebirth. First, she sent me the 5am prayer… Read more “Testimonial 0009”
I have been sharing the 5am Prayers every morning to some people in my phone list some have called to say that the prayers are timely, someone said she does resend it to her children and this morning a person sent a chat that she loves the prayers and wanted to know who the pastor is. I sent her the Ministry’s website and she said she has subscribed to the YouTube. God bless you abundantly SL. God bless Rebirthrwc
You know the story of our medical expenses! We were drained completely. Not a drop financially. I glorify GOD we didn’t have to sell any property. So I prayed my business should pick up. To get one sale or do some work! As nothing has come in since January. I had clients call, but talks eventually fizzle out! Even those saying they were waiting for me from my so called sabbatical! Lo and behold, Dream Clinic started and a particular client got serious and she has commissioned me to do her house full interior. To many it will be little,… Read more “Testimonial 0040”
I just want to thank God After the washing of the feet and we prayed against sickness and accidents. Easter Sunday I was cooking,I left the frying pan of hot oil on the floor.To attend to my mum. I forgot and it poured on my right foot. I felt the sting poured cold water and my son’s friend said I should pour salt.I did and I have no blisters and I just want to say if not for Baba God.And following the instructions you gave us to rub our feet with the anointing oil and prayers.God bless you Ma God… Read more “Testimonial 0051”
💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽I am the one. I am the one. I am the one that came back to say thank YOU LORD For all that YOU have done I’m grateful for everything YOU have done! I had to come back, My heart made me run back And tell YOU thank YOU💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 I give GOD the glory for death has been swallowed up in victory! Lately, I have been heavy in my heart emotionally and all as I kept saying where is my new beginning? And as always SL knows these things and mostly our 5am has been encouragements that we should trust… Read more “Testimonial 0079”
I found myself in a very toxic environment in my company. Thankfully when top management tried to compromise me in their negativity, God delivered me. I realized after a while that I needed to leave the company. Last summer, I made up my mind that irrespective of their actions, I was going to be happy, ignore their office politics and get out as soon as possible. God answered my prayers because I was headhunted for a higher position in another company – I had always admired, with approximately a 20% salary increase. A few days after I resigned in December… Read more “Testimonial 0128”
On December 9th 2021, during the 5am declarations, SL told us to pray for 5 people and also ask GOD for 5 things we would want him to do for us before December ends. One of them was for my husband to have a permanent and profitable job. On December 28th a company reached out to my husband on LinkedIn for an interview. He had a 1st chat with the HR and also one of the partners and he was asked when he will resume as the OGA said his spirit connected with my husband’s own. My husband was like… Read more “Testimonial 0130”
I have a testimony to share to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. During one of the night vigils , one of the prayer points was that the Holy Spirit will revive all good forgotten files that had been closed against us. I prayed this prayer point with Holy madness and continued till the end of the vigil before going to sleep. A few days later my husband received a mail that he had been selected to move to the next phase for recruitment into a post he had applied for two years ago. He had even forgotten about… Read more “Testimonial 0005”
I’ve come to give God Almighty all the glory. Praise be to God! Praise Him for the Mighty things He has done! God spared my life and that of my baby. My water broke 5 weeks before my due date. I had previously had 3 c.sections and wanted to avoid going into active labour as I knew the implications. I was scared and worried. I said a prayer and started declaring positive outcomes for my baby and I. I contacted a few Sisters in the prayer team and was in constant touch with the SL and some Ministers who greatly… Read more “Testimonial 0168”
Glory Be To GOD. May HIS Name be praised forever. I want to thank GOD for seeing my family and I through the month of June and since the beginning of the year. We have experienced GOD’s favour and Grace in different ways. I thank GOD for settling us and answering our prayers, we’ve been trusting GOD for a new house for over 2 years, for each one we found it was always not perfected at the end of the process or it was given to a preferred applicant, but I bless GOD because HE makes all things beautiful in… Read more “Testimonial 0053”
My client did a job for a State Government and was not paid. He consulted me to write to the Governor asking for the payment. I wrote, but a few weeks later we got a response from one of the commissioner’s that someone else had been paid for the job, so there was no hope for any payment. Meanwhile I had prayed on the letters before sending them. I was so discouraged. During a ministration SL said we’d have a testimony on 1st December and asked if we believe her as our prophet, I said I believe. Truth be told,… Read more “Testimonial 0153”
The training manager of the organization I worked with, asked if I was interested in doing an MBA in 2019, that’s how I randomly agreed to do it. I never planned to do an MBA, and laughed at the suggestion of it about 10 years ago, because I believed I was done with studies. Then MBA for free?! To the glory of GOD, I have graduated with a distinction! Please join me in praising GOD for his goodness and mercy in my life.
I and my husband have been out of jobs since 2019 and its been tough and full of wonders. During the first wave of covid 19 outbreak it was hell for us. No income or stipend coming from anywhere, my husband was frustrated and it was really affecting our marriage because we both got angry at the slightest provocation and the little business I started with my 25% pension payment came to a halt because no one at that time needed clothes or shoes since we all were made to stay home. Fast forward 2020 we started a little gardening… Read more “Testimonial 0028”
All praise and thanks to Almighty God for saving me from terrible road accidents on the 8th of November and 9th of November 2021 while driving. I am grateful LORD.
A few weeks ago I dreamt I was in hospital and they told me my child was dead. It was terrible and I woke up crying. I prayed. About 2weeks later my last child, Alexis, had a cold I took her to see the doctor. He referred her to see the ENT because her tonsils were enlarged. She was asleep and breathing with difficulty. The ENT gave her more medicine because she still had a cold, and told me to go and think about surgery and come back in a week. I went home and told my husband he said… Read more “Testimonial 0060”
One night, my son called to say that he had been in the hospital all day because he had difficulty in breathing properly. After running all the tests for his heart and lungs they couldn’t find any cause but they kept him for observation and he was given some medication. He called after he was discharged and I could hear in his voice and breathing that all was not well. I asked him if a COVID test was done and he said no. At this point I sent word to SL and she asked me to contact the Prayer Team.… Read more “Testimonial 0133”
In April my husband went to Nigeria. I also travelled so when he got back I was still away. While he was in Nigeria everything seemed fine but once he got back to the UK I noticed he became distantand very cold. I asked him if I had done anything to offend him and he said no. The day I got back to the UK, he told me he needed space and was going back to Nigeria to clear his head. Things went downhill from there. Communication broke down, he became someone I didn’t recognise. In fact he asked me… Read more “Testimonial 0101”
Yesterday, on the way to a supermarket, my car was hit by a car that was being chased by men of the RRS. By the time I saw the damage, it was nothing close to the impact I felt, it could only have been GOD. I thank GOD for delivering and protecting me from any potential chaos, as guns were being cocked, and the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT to lock and leave the car. I also thank GOD that there were just some scratches and no serious damage, considering the car will be sold in a few weeks, as… Read more “Testimonial 0061”
Trust GOD SL said, turn your complaints to praises, thank GOD instead she said, so I resolved to do that. I said a simple prayer, asking GOD to help me. Right after the 5am declarations on Monday, I recieved an alert out of the blues that I wasn’t expecting from someone I know GOD must have made her remember me. I have come back to thank my GOD for HE is so mindful of me.
I have come to return all the glory to GOD for HIS mercies and preservation. After the Night Vigil on Saturday I decided to go for a walk, it was about 7:45pm here and still bright. As a dressed up to go I found myself praying (I usually don’t pray before going for a walk) about not getting bitten, even I was wondering why I was praying over getting bitten but I prayed anyway and set off with my nanny who had finished her duty at that time, interestingly we prayed again while walking out to the street. 25 minutes… Read more “Testimonial 0002”
In September, I was wondering how my son will resume secondary school, looking at my financial incapacity. After two failed attempts into Command and Nigerian Military secondary school, which was his desire despite on merit list. We both trusted the Lord to send help, nothing showed forth and then something happened on the 13th of September 2021. Jesus did it o. Someone who watched my BBC news yoruba interview through Rebirth ministry where I shared my life story and what birthed my passion for the School on the Street Initiative I do now got motivated by the same shared BBC… Read more “Testimonial 0150”
I have come to testify of GOD’s goodness and mercy. Between May and June, I kept having terrible dreams about my mum. Two of these dreams stood out; in one of them there was a disconnect between her legs and her brain while in the second dream, I saw an obituary. I kept praying. About a week after the second dream, I got a call from an Aunt that my mum had fallen down. After analyzing the details, it sounded strange because she said she stood up from the sofa to pick up her phone from the tv stand and… Read more “Testimonial 0085”
I have come to testify of GOD’s infinite Grace and mercy over my life. I was appointed as a Senior Registrar in the High Court of the FCT years ago, I actually wanted to be a magistrate but there was no possibility of appointments in the near future. So I went about my job believing that one day the opportunity for promotion as a magistrate would present itself. Sometime later I was informed that appointment to magistracy would take place in my state and I applied. I couldn’t wrap my head around relocating from Abuja to my state with my… Read more “Testimonial 0117”
SL said we should declare that we shall hear Good news today. My son after balancing etc his financial report yesterday at the close of work discovered that N1.84 was “missing” he came home dejected. I told him to ask the Holy Spirit for help. This morning I told him “you will balance your book by God’s grace”. He sent a message at 9.10am this morning that he has “found” the N1.84 and book balanced. Good news indeed. I return all glory to God.
Testimony o! I participate in the 5am ministrations. My daughters results O level: 6A ⭐️’s 1B and 2C’s Jesus is awesome. Ha! I’m over joyed. God is faithful o. I’m too happy.
During the 5am declarations, SL prayed for our siblings, job interviews and for good news. My younger sister went for an interview today and she got the job as an account clerk after 2 years of unemployment since graduation. GOD is great. Thank you ma for letting GOD use you to minister and stand in the gap for us. Praise the Lord.
I was moved by the Holy Spirit to watch the 5am declaration sometime in July, after so many months of not participating. I obeyed and started following everyday. God changed my job location suddenly from the Island back to the mainland which was closer to the house for me. I found favor with my colleagues and manager.
I have come to return all the glory to Jesus. Due to COVID-19, our lunch money at work was added to our salary because we couldn’t continue to allow the chef cook, that addition increased my salary to 6digits. We recently got information that we will be resuming fully next year and the chef will have to resume as well, that meant a deduction and my salary going back to 5digits All through last week, I continued to praise God even after the morning sessions with SL. To the glory of God, I received an email from the HR just… Read more “Testimonial 0115”
I have come to give all the glory to GOD for opening doors and giving me another miracle job that I didn’t apply for but I was called by the agency, they said they saw my profile and think I’m qualified for the role. Got interviewed within 3 days and I got the job following day. I also want to thank God for yesterday’s ministration where SL said Look out for the alert of your outstanding November salary. I said Amen and I was thinking I don’t have any outstanding. I opened my naija account and saw money that was… Read more “Testimonial 0114”
I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever, I will sing of the mercies of the LORD! With my mouth will I make known, THY faithfulness, THY faithfulness! With my mouth will I make known THY faithfulness through all generations. I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever, I will sing of the mercies of the LORD 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 I have witnessed the mercy and favour of the LORD but have been guilty of withholding my testimony, I ask for forgiveness LORD🙏🏽🙏🏽 In the month of April the LORD granted me final deliverance and victory over the… Read more “Testimonial 0014”
GOD answered our prayers!!! All glory to HIM!!! The prayer team has been praying for my sister in law who was having panic attacks and hallucinating. Unknown to us, she had Covid-19 even after testing negative on Friday. The hospital only informed us of this after she was admitted. Thank GOD it was diagnosed as mild Covid-19 but the doctors could not ascertain the cause of the severe hallucinations, loss of appetite and lack of sleep. After just over a week in the hospital and a clear MRI scan, she began to regain her normal mental state, her appetite, sleep… Read more “Testimonial 0171”
God has been really good to me and my family and I realize that I have been swallowing my testimonies. I would like to repent and share two major ones. I’m grateful to God for his protection. My husband and I travelled to another city to visit my sister and we spent a few days with her family. On returning home, my sister and her husband started having COVID symptoms and tested positive. My sister was actually more scared for me because of my condition but I thank God because we were totally free from the virus and he granted… Read more “Testimonial 0019”
Our God has already started with me! During our 7th year anniversary programme yesterday, the man of God specifically prayed for me stating that whatever has held me back has been broken… He also prophesied that we will see God’s manifestation in the 7 days.. Ma, God has shown up for me in less than 24 hours Since the beginning of this year, I have not been able to record any sales in my business. A week before the prayer programme I managed to make one sale which the client made an initial deposit. He was even saying that to… Read more “Testimonial 0011”
Delay is certainly not denial. My family and I immigrated to a new country 4 years ago. In those 4 years, we have been temporary residents. We’ve had lots of applications to become permanent residents and each have been denied. When the first denial came in 2018, I knew we needed to change immigration lawyers immediately. The Holy Spirit reminded me of a good lawyer I had heard about during gist. I didn’t know how to contact her, but I contacted someone who gave me her number. We called her and paid her the fee which was over $5K. She… Read more “Testimonial 0065”
I partook in the Storming the Gates of October Programme. It was my first time. October was one of the best months of my life. I grew in intimacy with Christ. I established a morning devotion routine which was lost since I started having kids. My family had no crisis. This is new to us. My husband and I are born again but somehow we were always attacked. He prayed and thanked God last night for a peaceful October evening. I am basking in Gods glory and ready to take on November for greater testimonies. God is in this place.… Read more “Testimonial 0165”
All Glory honour and adoration to Jehovah Elohim When Corvid-19 started in 2020, everywhere was shut down, stay at home order was issued and major companies started laying off their employees. Unfortunately, three months after sitting at home, I was laid off permanently from my job. I tried to apply to various companies but to no avail. I became frustrated and very tired. I was advised by a friend to start taking and studying for certifications. After much prayers and fasting I finally got a job in July 2021. In May of 2021, my husband job was also affected and… Read more “Testimonial 0107”
I have to come to testify to the goodness of God in my life and family. In August God helped us move into our house. God blessed my family and it has been blessings upon blessings. God showed up in the life of my friends and family members. For the first time in my life I got Christmas gifts from different people. This can only be God. Yesterday I got another cash gift for Christmas. God has been faithful. I am here to say thank you my Jehovah overdo for everything.
Who am I that he’s mindful of me? A bus rammed into my daughter’s stationary school bus yesterday. The bus had just dropped off a child and a fully loaded sand truck whose brakes failed spun several times and rammed into the back of the bus. She was the only one at the back seat. She jumped out in the split of a second. All of the children in the bus came out unscathed! Not a single bone broken!. Oniduro mi e se o. I have come to give him thanks because he’s a good good father. Affliction would not… Read more “Testimonial 0112”
I recently started being regular on the early morning declarations and today the Servant leader said “Today you will hear goodnews”. I said Amen as I was expecting a mail to take me to the next level of a process I am working on internationally. I didn’t know the mail came as she was saying it. I just said let me even check my mail and see if these people have any updates after the declarations and low and behold I saw the mail. Exactly about 05:35 am the mail dropped. I wanted to keep this till the whole testimony… Read more “Testimonial 0160”
In January we were told to move out of the accommodation we had stayed in for over 4 years due to a transfer. At the same time I got a transfer at work to Ikoyi. Started house hunting and all the places I was seeing was above my budget. I remember praying on a Sunday morning and telling God I will like to meet the landlord of the house and he should just agree to a particular figure for the rent. Sunday evening I got a message from an agent who said he had a place for the same price… Read more “Testimonial 0032”
Since I joined the Rebirth Ministry my prayer life has become better. The zeal of knowing God is growing more in me. I wake up now easily to pray . I am trusting God more and so I have little or no time to complain about my challenges. I have hope and can see that my life is getting better. I have been praying for many intentions including restoration, career and financial breakthrough, and for a Job etc. Just after the Esther fast, on the 2 November I had a call from a number which had tried to reach me… Read more “Testimonial 0166”
I have come to testify the goodness of God in my life and family. Indeed our God is a faithful and a merciful father. I have been having serious marital problems that I and my husband sees ourselves as neighbors in our home. But on the 8th of December 5am morning declarations, I told God if you do not answer me this time, I will definitely give up because at that time I had lost hope. Then I joined in our 5am morning prayer with a broken heart. On that fateful day 8th Dec 5am prayer God mentioned my case… Read more “Testimonial 0119”
I would like to thank God for healing during the 7 year anniversary prayer meeting on Saturday. I had been experiencing pains around my fingers for about a month. During the meeting while prayers we’re going on, I heard the Holy Spirit asked me to check my fingers, lo and behold the pain had disappeared and I could move me fingers freely! Hallelujah! I want to thank God because He has made me whole and will continue to do great and might works in my life. I return ALL GLORY to HIM and HIM alone.
I want to thank God for his faithfulness and answer to prayers. My husband has been looking for a better job for a while (over two years). He has done countless interviews to no avail. Recently we started praying for employment during the 5am prayers and I remember we were asked to pray on resumes. This time he was already in another interview process and I prayed on his resume as we were instructed. Those 5am employment prayers were back to back and I kept praying them. As God will have it, the hiring manager just like that said he… Read more “Testimonial 0086”
My car failed MOT because of a dent last week and over the weekend someone now hit the back and ran away without leaving a note. The car was parked right in front of the house and all my neighbours denied seeing anything. Eventually someone said it was a stranger, it felt more like a gang up but I just left it all for GOD to judge. All the quotes I got ranged from 1,500 to 2k without labour cost because they all insisted on replacing the bumper. Yesterday the LORD laid it in my heart to call a garage… Read more “Testimonial 0048”
I have come to testify of GOD’s goodness and mercy over my life. I applied for a Federal appointment in 2019 and I was nominated sometime in 2020. Once my name was published in the public domain, all manner of petitions and queries were levied against me. I was even dragged to the Federal High court now the matter is at the Court of Appeal. The approval authority sent my name back and headed it NOT APPROVED. I felt all hope was lost. I was desolate. I ran to SL lamenting and she told me “trust GOD” so I went… Read more “Testimonial 0141”
I have come to thank God and giving all Glory for Healing I have been having a serious headache now for like two weeks. I went to the hospital and was told I had malaria and that it may be eyes causing the headache. I took the medications prescribed but the headache would subside and bounce back. On Monday it was so severe I was in bed all day. I couldn’t even lift my head on the bed. At one point I read psalm 16 on water and drank but no change. I could not sleep all night so when… Read more “Testimonial 0135”
Praise the Lord ! I serve a true GOD who has been showing me that He really listens when I pray and takes care of me beyond my wildest expectations. My son, graduated in November, 2021 from Coventry University UK. I remember the day I took him to SL for prayers before sending him to UK. I was worried but SL prayed and reassured me that “HE WILL NOT GIVE YOU ANY PROBLEMS”. To the glory of GOD, he was awarded a 2nd Class (Upper Division) and he’s doing a Master’s Degree. I thank our GOD immensely. I was at… Read more “Testimonial 0146”
I thank GOD for making it possible for me to buy a property this year. It was on my prayer list at the beginning of the year and even when it seemed daunting, GOD provided. I got it significantly cheaper than the market price and I paid at once to the glory of GOD. Just as I paid for the house, I was expecting a 6 – week package from my office. Today, my boss informed me that he thinks 6 weeks is too small and he got approval to make it 3 months instead. I didn’t ask for 3… Read more “Testimonial 0110”
This is me coming to say thank you Lord!!! I started following Rebirth Ministry on Instagram in June. Prior to that a friend will send me the link to join the week day Time with SL. Unfortunately every time I tried to watch, the video would have expired. At the time I joined in June, I was looking for an online bible study taught the meat of the word. Safe to say I have no regret and I now wake up every day at 5am to join the morning declaration unfailing. Last week during the time with SL, SL was… Read more “Testimonial 0097”
I want to thank GOD for supernatural increase and Divine favour. On one of the 5am prayers in September, we prayed for favour with our jobs & businesses for increase, promotion and favour. That same week, my manager sends me a note saying that she had some news for me. She told me I was getting a pay rise! This normally happens in April company wide (which already happened )but they decided to do another increase for me in September! I thank GOD for HIS supernatural favour!
THANK YOU, JESUS, During the Storming the Gate prayers, I prayed like a woman on a mission, especially when we prayed on our finances. I turn 50 this month and I asked GOD that every day of this month, something special must happen. It’s only been the 2nd Day of June and it has been one surprise after another. On the 1st, I got a message from one of my subcontractors that he wants to refund my money. I was surprised because I had completely forgotten about it. I did some Interior Work for a Client in 2019 & he… Read more “Testimonial 0008”
I return all THE GLORY TO THE BLESSED TRINITY. My husband was treating malaria for 3days and didn’t know that he had COVID-19. He complained on the 4th day about his oragans and I had to take him to the hospital and was attended to as an emergency. He tested positive for COVID-19 and was been treated at home. During the third day of his treatment, he developed hiccups which became unending and unbearable. His Sp02 level was between 94/95. Then a week after @2:30am the hiccups came so hard on him that his Sp02 level dropped to 88/89. I… Read more “Testimonial 0072”
I want to Thank GOD for his protection. This morning one of the apartments in my building caught fire. Thankfully no one was hurt and the fire brigade arrived quickly and the fire was put out.I just want to thank GOD for his constant protection.
I have been working with my organization since 2018 and was confirmed in 2019 but haven’t been promoted since then. Being a performance driven organization, my HOD complained about the performance of all of us in the department. I kept praying and trusting GOD. I was troubled and sad because the cause of the low performance was beyond us. I tabled this at one of our Dorcas Family (widows ministry) Wednesday prayer meetings and we all prayed about it. I believed it was settled. On the 30th of July, 2021, I was asked to come and pick a letter in… Read more “Testimonial 0102”
I have come to share my good news to the Glory of God. When SL asked us to declare that “I will hear good news today”, despite my doubts, I made the declaration repeatedly. Guess what? A certification program I applied to last month had actually gotten back to me that same month but for some reason, I did not see it. Today, I got an email from them letting me know that they had not heard from me and told me to check the email they sent to me last month, which I did. So I have been scheduled… Read more “Testimonial 0104”
I want to testify of God’s goodness and preservation. In the past 1 week I have fallen down the stairs twice. I was not rushing anywhere or being careless, I just seemed to slip on both occasions. Yesterday I fell in a public place and hit the back of my head on the edge of the staircase. Thank God I had braids as it cushioned the impact. Thank God that despite the falls I have no broken bones nor any serious injury.
I have come to give GOD praise. HE has been so good to me. About 4 years ago I had a leading of the Holy Spirit to write a book about my life’s journey but the whole idea seemed too big and out of my reach. I managed to talk myself out of it but the LORD kept prompting me. Last year; at the beginning of the first lockdown, the prompt came back so strong and I kept seeing Instagram post calling for authors. I was just too nervous so I told SL about it, and she said I should… Read more “Testimonial 0081”
I have too much joy in my heart that words alone can’t express. I thank the Almighty God. I have been praying for a new car ‘cause the one I’m using is old and costing me a lot of money to repair. During the 7th anniversary programme you asked us to write what we desire this year and put it in our Bible which I did, this morning a brand new car was delivered to me. God is good. We have been blessed with a grandchild-baby boy last week. I also wrote this as my desire at the programme in… Read more “Testimonial 0006”
Sometime in July 2021, when I woke up, I heard God told me to fast and speak in tongues as much as I could that day. It was strange instructions and I mumbled some tongues. As I was about to leave the house, I heard the same message again from the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues. As I left my estate to the main road, the other side was blocked because of traffic. I was going on my lane, suddenly, from no where, a vehicle was approaching me at very high speed. I thought it would stop since… Read more “Testimonial 0163”
I praise GOD Almighty! My period stopped last year which came with all the hot flushes of menopause even though we were in winter, I was always hot. I was depressed for a while that I had not achieved pregnancy and now menopause has come but with all your encouragement and programs, I decided to join as much as I could and focus on GOD while busy studying HIS Word. I started to thank GOD for it. I didn’t feel bad anymore. We prayed last night at the marriage deliverance program that GOD should reverse all issues of infertility amongst… Read more “Testimonial 0025”
Last year during the peak of the COVID19 pandemic, I desperately needed to change jobs, because my manager seemed to be planning a demotion for herself (not me) out of envy. One day in June, I prayed and heard “my strength can be made perfect in your weakness. I wrote it on a white-board that I used for my studies! GOD indeed heard my prayers, I had 4 jobs offers. While this was ongoing, I needed to have major surgery My recovery was swift and I was texting and talking to people immediately after. I did not experience significant pain… Read more “Testimonial 0055”
I want to return ALL thanks and praise to The Almighty for showing up for my family and I because really WHAT CAN’T HE DO? My daughters were going to be split to 2 different schools because one of them was not accepted at the school we wanted both of them to attend. She didn’t pass the assessment. I had a lot of anxiety about splitting the school run and the general inconvenience of it all. Sometime last week the Head Teacher reached out to us because we should have done some therapy over the summer that should have prepared… Read more “Testimonial 0084”
On Monday 25th of October, I participated in the 5am prayers. When I entered my office later that morning, I realized there was a white paper containing some yellow powder lying under my seat. At first sight, I thought it was rat that dragged the paper and left it there but on closer inspection it was obvious that it was placed there I showed it to the cleaner who alerted my colleagues. They all clustered in front of my office, except for one lady who remained in her office, she didn’t seem concerned about all what was going on. I… Read more “Testimonial 0167”
I just want to give God thanks for His favour and blessings upon my life and my family. I have been trying to see someone since January and they always ask me to go back at the gate. I didn’t have his number and the security will always ask me to call. Yesterday during the morning prayers you declared favour upon our lives and said doors shut to us will be open (not in same words). I was passing by today and reluctantly decided to go there, they were about to turn me back but the same security guy placed… Read more “Testimonial 0035”
I have come to give all the glory and adoration for his mercies upon my mum’s life. She sent a message to me today and I quote her, just thanking God for my life, last night I slept off in the leaving while boiling water on the cooker but God woke me up and by the time I woke up the water has dried up completely and the kettle was very very hot. I just want to thank God because she was the only one in the house . Thank you Lord for destroying the plans of the enemy. Thank… Read more “Testimonial 0036”
I have come to give GOD all the Glory for HIS constant protection over my family. Two weeks ago, my husband had a terrible knee pain that involved him having to drain fluid out. He is now completely whole. Last week Thursday GOD delivered my son from a car accident which could have been very serious. The day after my 2nd son slipped in his room and hit his head, he had a little scratch and a swelling that has since healed. Three days after, whilst at school my daughter was hit by a piece of glass which broke mysteriously… Read more “Testimonial 0057”
I am truly grateful to God for what he has began to do in my life and what he is using you to do. At the beginning of this year, I purposed in my heart that I will not accept the level I was being paid. I was doing the work of an Executive Management level 4 and being paid at Level 5. So I prayed about this situation, and spoke to my Boss. I listed my achievements and requested to be upgraded. Although my Boss approved, the paying entity refused to honor it because in accordance to the civil… Read more “Testimonial 0143”
I want to give God all the glory and praise because the blessing is mine but the testimony belongs to God. I did sent you a dream I had on 27th March on how we embark on a journey and you were the one driving the mini bus and we had a serious problem but no want was injured. Last week Thursday my family and myself travelled to another city (4hrs drive). Like an hour gone my husband and myself noticed the car was making terrible noise so we were just angry with the car and complaining until we arrived… Read more “Testimonial 0050”
Last week Wednesday I was in the office when my husband called to tell me there was a fire at home. He told me not to panic as they had put the fire out. He made it sound like it was a small fire but I decided to go home and see for myself. There was a power surge and the iron was connected to the socket that was where the fire started from. My cousin sews and there were clothes and her customer’s fabrics there so they caught fire and helped the fire grow. My husband was having breakfast… Read more “Testimonial 0066”
We sure serve a faithful God. During the 5am declaration today, SL said we should declare ‘I will receive good news today in JESUS Name”. So I did repeatedly, I went as far as writing it on my Instagram story. While in the office, I said it out loud without realizing that one of our workers was close to me😀He looked at me strangely, wondering what I said but I refused to make eye contact with him. Just 20minutes ago, my husband gave me a good news.. someone who was owing him called and said he has refunded him and… Read more “Testimonial 0161”
Good morning ma. I want to share a testimony with you My wife’s prayers with Rebirth has seen me through a major challenge that has worried us for almost 10 years now if not more. Thank you for all you do and may God bless and keep you. Amen 🙏 Today I am a free man. I paid back XXX Bank the money our company XXXXXXXX owed them N1.2billion and all XXX documents have been returned to the guarantor today. 🙏
2 nights ago, I was studying my bible, suddenly I began to feel the bite of mosquito on my leg. I ignored at first but couldn’t tolerate as the pains and bites persist. As I lifted the touch to see what’s biting me, behold I saw a scorpion close to my leg ready to sting. I called the attention of my colleague, he went behind and killed the scorpion. I thank God that, he saved me from the poisonous bite of a scorpion. Glory be to Jesus.
Thank GOD Almighty for His wonder-working power. I had a baby last year and she was born well, hale and hearty. A few weeks later she stopped feeding properly and had blood in her stool. I took her to the clinic to which she was diagnosed with a milk allergy. I changed my diet to address this but things did not get better. Instead she was losing weight drastically. I took her back to the hospital and she was admitted and the doctors ran series of tests on her. Due to covid and some other things there were some delays… Read more “Testimonial 0075”
I have come to thank GOD for what HE has done for us this year in the first week. On the 6th of January our UK lawyer called us our daughter’s British citizenship has been approved – we were thanking GOD because it was supposed to take about 6 months, and we are extremely happy and jubilating. I told my husband we have only done 4 days of fasting- see GOD! Later that night at 7pm my hubby went to see his cousin whose house is on the next street from us because it was his birthday. I called him… Read more “Testimonial 0127”
I have come back to give God all the praise for granting me success in my exam. I was overwhelmed and felt the timing was against me, I even considered canceling the exam but I kept on getting encouraged through the 5am prayers. The day before the exam I sent SL a message about it and she replied ‘it is done, trust God’. I bless God for keeping his word and trust that he that started this good work is faithful to complete it. God bless you SL God bless Rebirthrwc
About 12:30 this afternoon I decided to go for a pedicure so I booked and there was a free slot. As I changed I picked out a white T-shirt to wear but then I put it back and saw my grey Rebirthrwc T-shirt. I wondered if I was allowed to wear it outside our programs but I picked it and as I was putting it on I said to GOD that someone must ask me about Rebirth today since I have worn it. So I got to the salon and the receptionist welcomed me. She looked familiar and it turned… Read more “Testimonial 0049”
I have come to testify of God’s mercy and faithfulness over my life. I have been having this headache for over a week now which is rather different from any type of headache I have ever had. I was so worried, went to the GP, he saw me and said he is not worried but I should do blood test. I did the test but the wait for the result was giving me anxiety which made the headache worse. I spoke with my sister who reminded me and actually sent me a screen shot of SL telling us to pray… Read more “Testimonial 0140”
I am here to testify of Gods goodness to me and my family. I started my career in Not-for-profit management and have worked with several both local and international. The nature of my work is such that most times, if you work for an organization with limited funding, it makes you go out of work for a certain period of time depending on how lucky you get to transit from one to another. Last year, my last work with my employer ended in February so I was out of work for most of last year into this year. During covid… Read more “Testimonial 0033”
My husband has not been around for four years. We had not properly formalized the marriage and we were having challenges with the distance between us. Thank GOD for the Rebirth ministry, I learnt a lot on trusting GOD, His timing, faith, marriage, communication and praying for the spirit behind one’s doing or action. He came home in January after four years plus of not seeing each other. It was a miracle seeing him again after such a long time because I was getting tired of the repeated I will be coming next month and never showing up. We had… Read more “Testimonial 0010”
I joined the Central Bank of Nigeria in 2013. At the time of joining, there were issues with placement in grade levels so a lot of us were downgraded. I had just moved from the UK and didn’t know much about the grades in the CBN and their significance. It became quite apparent as soon as work started. Public Sector is extremely hierarchical, borderline “godly worship-like” (for want of a better phrase). Promotion is usually done every 3 years but unfortunately that didn’t quite happen that way. In the circa 9 years I have been in the Bank, I had… Read more “Testimonial 0151”
I want to thank God for his abundant grace and mercies towards me and my family… I and my husband have been trying to conceive for a while now but during our waiting period our faith in God didn’t change… Last week, I went to the hospital to do a checkup and my doctor just told me to do a pregnancy test since I told him my period was late…. I initially didn’t want to do it but he insisted that I do it because there’s a drug he will prescribe and I can’t that it if I’m pregnant…. I… Read more “Testimonial 0062”
I would like to testify of God’s goodness. On Friday, during the 5am prayers, SL said that from that Friday and over the weekend, people will return to testify as miraculous things will happen.I tapped into that with my whole heart. On Friday evening, payment that i wasn’t expecting early, hit my bank account. Just like that. No reminders from me, nothing. It just came in. At the right time because honestly, even food was getting hard to buy. The joy and relief that engulfed me, only God can know. I have been able to settle alot of pressing issues,… Read more “Testimonial 0124”
This is to testify to the goodness of GOD for HIS provision towards the wedding of my daughter. When the date was picked I was somehow afraid of where the money will come from but SL always encouraged us to trust in the LORD so it became a prayer point for GOD to send divine helpers to me. To GOD be the glory help started coming as the day approached. Few days before the wedding, during one of the 5am Declaration, SL told us to confess that I will receive my good news today and I started receiving monetary alerts… Read more “Testimonial 0118”
I just want to testify of God’s goodness and faithfulness of some recent drama in my home Truly our lifestyle is important, our attitude to these material riches/possessions also very important. Our SL teaches us about our total consecration, subduing this flesh, yielding to the Holy Spirit totally… and the result is God with us all the time. I got restoration on stolen items to the glory of God. My 2-week old housekeeper stole my personal items including a brand new iPhone, wedding ring and my daughter’s jewelries. The Holy Spirit told me clearly that I should be still and… Read more “Testimonial 0109”
I give God the Glory. During the storming the gate prayers, SL stated we will testify by December 1st. Testimonies started coming in on the forum mid afternoon. The thought of me not testifying came to mind and the Holy spirit said “the day isn’t over”. I held on to that. Later in the evening, I was talking to a friend. He mentioned he had been trying to send me money but when putting it together, something comes up and he ends up using it. He asked if it was okay for him to send it in batches so he… Read more “Testimonial 0155”
A few weeks ago, one of the first things SL said at a 5am prayer was that one of our sons will be given a scholarship. That was about the time we had been told that because the Scholarship exams didn’t take place before the boys, in my son’s school started the academic year (due to Covid) all of them will be assessed for it, at the end of this first year. As my son had applied to sit the exams, as part of his application to the school, and because the exams were cancelled about one week before they… Read more “Testimonial 0052”
I want to thank God who has shown me so much Favour in the past month. I joined a new company last year November and the journey has had its ups and down but God has been with me every step of the way. Second week in November I had a meeting with my MD in the office and after the meeting he told me to wait behind that he has noticed that have been unhappy and stressed that I should tell him what is bothering me. I opened up to him that I had car troubles and all, immediately… Read more “Testimonial 0158”
Last year (December 24) i had a dream and saw my sister as a watchman, i told her, but she was in denial “asking if I was recruiting for Rebirth”? I smiled and told her to accept it. Today, she has been made a watchman….. and it is pleasing in our sight. I pray that GOD will continue to teach, direct, lead and instruct her as she works in HIS vineyard.
I have come to testify of the goodness of the Lord upon my life and family. It been over 40 years a house was lastly build in our family compound and the one that was build by my grand father was abandoned by my step grandmother to collapse. So we barely had somewhere to sleep when we go to the village. During the 2020 August declarations I prayed and asked God to help us build a house for my mom which my step grandmother had sworn that a house will never be erected in that compound. I dedicated everything to… Read more “Testimonial 0042”
I have come to testify to the glory of the Lord Almighty. Truly truly and sincerely our God is real on this Rebirth mountain. Yesterday morning I got up late and was feeling heavy and downcast. I didn’t even feel like doing the 5am prayers and just thought I should sing worship songs and go ahead with my day. But I had a prompting to do the declarations so I went ahead when it was already about 7am. During the ministration SL said we will receive good news. I held unto it and prayed fervently. My husband has been jobless… Read more “Testimonial 0108”
Praise be to GOD! Praise be to the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and Jacob, the God of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego, the God of the Rebirth Ministry, the God of our SL, The God that we serve! Thank God for the mighty things He is doing on this mountain. I shall not swallow my testimonies, I shall send them as they are dropping hot hot! Praise God! Last Thursday, during the 5am prayers, SL said there’s someone going for an interview today, don’t worry, God says everything will work out. That message was for me. I just… Read more “Testimonial 0078”
I have come with praises in my heart to the GOD who never fails and who is faithful to all HIS promises. This journey started in 2018 and between then and 31st December 2021 there have been so many challenges and so many testimonies. My first application for appointment as a Judge to the High Court and the first examination I sat for it was in 2018 and that was simply for me to have an idea of the procedure and the requirements for same. My second application and examination was sometime in November 2019 and to be honest I… Read more “Testimonial 0122”
All praise and thanks to the Almighty GOD. My daughter has completed her Phd program in Law and was awarded the Doctorate degree today 14th August 2021. Join me Rebirth family in thanking and praising GOD. Halleluia🎊💃🏿
God has been merciful, Though part of my house got burnt. It was repaired and all, but thankfully no one got hurt. My Son was awarded a First Class in Mechanical Engineering. And of course the Lord had been kind and merciful onto me. Good things will not be scarce in my life. Amen.
My family and I relocated about 2 1/2 months ago and we have continued to experience the mercy of God in every area of our lives. We were able to miraculously rent a house within a month, even though we had gotten numerous refusals, due to the fact that my husband and I were yet to be employed. Also, my daughter sat for an assessment to determine her readiness for University and scored very highly. My hubby and I did our 2 stage driving tests and we both passed. My husband got a job during the most recent Esther fast.… Read more “Testimonial 0067”
I would like to thank God for restored health from Covid. Last month after dealing with a client’s wedding I began to get malaria symptoms and I tested for malaria and was taking medication for same by the end of the dosage the malaria symptoms stopped and I got my strength back I then realised I couldn’t smell. I got tested and realized I had COVID. I thank God because my symptoms were not severe and I could do what I needed to help myself through the process cause I was the only person in my apartment. My sister was… Read more “Testimonial 0087”
I would like to give GOD all the glory, for watching over my family and I, for sparing our lives. Things have been very difficult for a while now, due the economic situation in the country. A couple of weeks ago, I fired my cleaner for being tardy with her cleaning duties. I found out that she had been using one of the sponges used to clean out the toilets in the kitchen. I knew I had to let her go before she made some one ill. The next week, all my children fell ill at the same time. It… Read more “Testimonial 0094”
I have come to give God all praise and thanksgiving for His faithfullness. I am so so grateful God came through right on time. I’ve been looking for a better paying job for a while now, I attended so many interviews. Suddenly God came through and I got a job but the screening conditions were too much hassle and a lot of back and forth, so I decided to let it go. But God came through, and suddenly the week I withdraw my offer I got another job offer. A better one, with better pay, and better conditions. One thing… Read more “Testimonial 0134”
Sometime in the middle of June I had what I thought was a ‘freak’ accident on the ankle/foot. I went for my morning walk and I was almost home when I missed my step off the pavement and I tore the ligaments on my foot. By the time I saw the Orthopaedic doctor my leg was in a cast!!!! For 6 weeks he told me which was the standard length of time for it to heal I was told. Yet a couple of days before SL has said we should not accept any doctors prognosis so I said to myself… Read more “Testimonial 0093”
I want to share this testimony to the glory of God. Last year during the October esther fast, you made a declaration that ” God will settle that debt”.At that point I was contemplating on getting a loan to boost my business which was affected by covid, but was scared to go for the loan because of the harassment from the micro finance bank, if I fail to pay back on the due dates. I however held unto your declaration and went ahead to get the loan To my greatest surprise since I took the loan, repayment on my due… Read more “Testimonial 0015”
A few weeks after my daughter’s wedding I was in the UK for a brief vacation and lo and behold the day before I was to return I had a really bad fall trying to cross the road and though I didn’t know at the time I fractured my arm and shoulder. I want to thank GOD for HIS protection because as soon as I fell the lights changed and cars were moving towards me .It could have been much worse. I give GOD all the glory, HE didn’t allow the enemy to laugh at me or let people say… Read more “Testimonial 0106”
I have a testimony, one of many to crown the year 2021. My British citizenship which I applied for in the month of October, has been approved in approximately less than 2 months processing time. I remember in December 2020 or thereabout, SL gave a testimony following the swift and smooth processing of Sister Michele’s naturalisation application and I confessed that my applications (ILR and Naturalisation) would also be smooth and swift!! And GOD did it, both applications were smooth – ILR approved in January 2021 and Naturalisation approved in December 2021. All glory to GOD for HIS faithfulness and… Read more “Testimonial 0116”
I have come to testify of GOD’S goodness in my life. My husband suffered a minor stroke on the 23rd of December and was on admission. He was in a poorly state as expected of stroke patients but on the 25th of December he made a group video call and we were all so happy for the Christmas miracle. From then onwards the progress has been visible. God showed up again and he was discharged on the 31st. God didn’t allow us spend the new year in hospital. God has been performing one wonder or the other. He hasn’t left… Read more “Testimonial 0121”
A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a headhunter for a high level job at a company listed in an international stock market. Prior to this I had received several prophetic words from both my spiritual parents on a spiritual promotion and also specifically to my career, with my natural eyes I didn’t see it as I didn’t apply for anything anywhere in recent times. I am currently in employment and whilst it was not the most desired situation, I had unconsciously stopped complaining, a diligent worker by the help of GOD, I just continued to give my very… Read more “Testimonial 0149”
I wish to thank God for His Miracle in my life! My organization is currently going through a restructuring process with lots of anxiety and fear amongst staff. Worst still there has been lots of conspiracy, and I was a target; receiving all sorts of queries almost daily from my hierarchy. Our director was bent on finding faults in everything I did and would issue a query out of proportion, for things she merely suspected. I was even summoned to a disciplinary hearing! I wrote to the SL and asked for her prayers about this on the 28th of February and… Read more “Testimonial 0045”
I want to thank Almighty God for his love and favour over my family and myself. God arose and broke protocol on my behalf!! Glory Hallelujah. I am to fly back to Nigeria for Christmas after being away for over 2years. My 3year residency was expiring this month and was up for renewal. Now what should be a routine process which only required a walk-in appointment to the immigration office and takes all of 1 week for the new residency card to be posted out was now taking 5-6weeks as the process was now online due to covid, there is… Read more “Testimonial 0136”
I thought I was due for my British citizenship in 2020, unknown to me, I was due for the citizenship in 2019. Due to the pandemic, everything had to be done online. And the British government decided to use previous biometric records. I literally became British in my living room without spending a dime on travel, additional biometric data collection etc. Glory be to GOD
I would like to share this amazing testimony. On Tuesday i was feeling very low and i decided to listen to the Word. There was a prayer going on at the time and while i was driving i connected. Then My Word came ” there’s someone here GOD said to tell you HE has not forgotten you” i felt something in my heart and i screamed the loudest “Amen”! The man of GOD went on to say within 24 hours GOD will manifest Himself. i said Amen and went about my day. I was owing someone close to a million… Read more “Testimonial 0031”
I had been stuck in a job that I did not like for what seemed like forever, trying everything to advance in my career and get a better paying job. Nothing seemed to be working and I started to think God had forgotten me. I got so sad and almost depressed thinking why? I gave up ! This year, I started with my job search again and like the pattern before, I wasn’t getting any calls from recruiters and when I did, they would “ghost me”. A few weeks ago, I cried and prayed from the bottom of my heart… Read more “Testimonial 0023”
I have come to thank GOD for breakthrough. Late last year/early this year my family was blessed with an opportunity that could change things entirely for us and future generations. We were all excited but I particularly took to praying silently not wanting to be overly excited till full manifestation. About 2/3 months ago the family received word of a complication, the opportunity was at a stand still, scam…these were words in operation at the time and I just took to praying, praising and just remaining positive. ‘GOD’s gift makes rich and adds no sorrow’ I kept reminding myself;that’s the… Read more “Testimonial 0100”
I have come to testify to the goodness of God on this platform. This testimony is long but I will try and summarise it. I was on the EU residence permit via my parent. I submitted my documents for Permanent Resident in 2015 and since 2015, I have been denied more than 7 times or so and I have gone to court twice with no favourable answer, I held on to God and also to all the prayers we say on this mountain. In 2019 I was refused and told no more right of appeal that I have exhausted all… Read more “Testimonial 0044”
I would like to thank God for giving me a new Job. I had been feeling unfulfilled in my Job for a while but I stuck with it because I was working part time and it works for our family set-up. Recently, during one of the 5am prayer sessions, SL said she was led to pray for Jobs, businesses etc. I plugged into all the declarations. It felt like God orchestrated that session just for me. I held on to the declarations and believed God for something even though I was not actively looking for work. After the prayer session,… Read more “Testimonial 0069”
I give GOD all the glory for HIS protection. My husband and I and almost all of our household were exposed to Covid-19 at a relatives house. We had been going there on and off for three months due to some matters arising. One of the children tested positive for COVID 19 at a routine check carried out last week, I was particularly alarmed as I love children and I play with them a lot. We were all asked to isolate pending the date for a scheduled test for all who had come in contact with the little one. Immediately,… Read more “Testimonial 0096”
During the January 3rd prophetic Declarations SL prophesied that: “All those that have forgotten you will begin to remember you” Immediately I keyed in and tied it to my immigration status. And even wrote it down. Yesterday I received a letter from the USCIS making me Legal in the US and giving me the opportunity to apply for a lawful permanent resident and citizenship eventually. I give GOD all the Glory for this good good news.
I have come to share my testimony to the praise and Glory of the name of the lord most high, Jesus Christ. 3 weeks ago my 39 year husband fell very ill, he went to the hospital for some investigations and they said it was malaria +; his blood sugar was almost 400 and his blood pressure abnormally high. Little did we know it was the Corona virus. We found out 4 days later and began isolating and treating at home. By day 5 we found out they his oxygen level was dropping to 80s (we used an oximeter at… Read more “Testimonial 0076”
I give GOD all the Praise and Glory for HIS Goodness and Kindness to my family. My twin daughters were both awarded full scholarship. Praise the LORD.
I thank GOD for preserving my life. On Thursday, while returning home at night, I was in the usual Ajah traffic, and it was not moving. So, I was doing something on my phone when suddenly I heard a knock on my window and a man threatened and told me to give him my phone. He told me he had a gun and pointed to a bulge by his trouser. Strangely, I was not afraid and told him to calm down while looking for opportunity to move to another lane. Suddenly there was an opportunity and I moved to the… Read more “Testimonial 0157”
I want to give God all the glory for his protection over us all. My driver almost killed 2 kids who were crossing the road with me in the car. The driver made a turn and didn’t see the children on time because they were behind an SUV, and they didn’t wait to check to see the cars coming from our side of the road before crossing. Thankfully my driver saw them on time and swerved and only hit them lightly with the side of the car as opposed what would have been a disaster if it was a direct… Read more “Testimonial 0142”
All glory to GOD. I want to thank GOD for HIS faithfulness. My husband travelled to London and contrary to his normal practice took the train from Heathrow and boarded a black cab home. When he got home he realized that he had lost his wallet containing cash, all his bank cards and his US drivers license (alternative ID). He was devastated. We advised him to call TFL (Transport For London) who regulate all taxis and report it. The police came to the house to take a statement and told him that he should hope that no one entered the… Read more “Testimonial 0071”
I’m here to give GOD praise for showing me mercy. I wrote a professional exam in May. I studied so hard and was believing GOD for success in my exam. On the same day we wrote the exam, myself and a couple of friends were discussing the questions, and my friends said to me “looks like your questions were harder”. Although the examination body gives different questions but level of difficulty are always at par. In this case mine was way harder. I was wondering, why didn’t I get the easy questions like my friends. I became unsure of what… Read more “Testimonial 0092”
I would like to thank God for completing this 3 year journey into my husband receiving his U.S permanent resident card. Its been quite the wait and quite the ‘battle of the mind’ but I thank God for seeing us through it all. Prior to the interview for his green card i had been praying for favor and for ease, that the interview would and easy and go by faster than usual. On the day of the interview,typically both husband and wife are interviewed(i and my husband had prepared).The official who attended to us acknowledged that he had just been… Read more “Testimonial 0029”
It appears like a minor testimony but very major lesson for me on the importance of obeying that still small voice. I am not much for listening to the news since this covid season but early last week, I felt a nudge to fill up my tank and I kept finding excuses. It felt strange because I have been working from home almost two years and haven’t had school runs this year so I kept ignoring the voice. Eventually I gave in just because I wanted the voice to stop, filled my tank to the brim and nothing was still… Read more “Testimonial 0089”
I am sorry it may be a bit long but I have to start from the beginning for people to understand the love of God. Years before joining Rebirth I travelled to the UK for fertility treatment. I did several IVF procedures but none worked. I also went to the US and was sure I would get pregnant but I was asked to do a procedure before I could even try another cycle of IVF again. I was devastated. I went back the UK did the procedure and developed a serious ache/pain on my side after a few weeks. This… Read more “Testimonial 0083”
During the Night of Prayer ministration, I was on my way out to a Karoke evening with a few of my friends, as I am based in North America. As I got dressed, I kept praying the prayers and saying Amen, as SL gave the prayer points. She also made reference to our anointed water, oil and salt. The Holy Spirit led me to drink some of the water just before I left, and then I continued the prayer points in the car. At some point I needed to put in the direction of where we were headed on the… Read more “Testimonial 0145”
My daughter received the gold award in her year for pastoral excellence. To God be all the glory. I thank God for His mercy, and that all the prayers for children we have been praying is being manifested.
I want to thank GOD for the good news we received last night. During Monday’s 5 am prayer SL declared that we will hear good news and indeed we did. My son finished his University in May 2020(right in the middle of lockdown) and the Graduation ceremony could not hold due to Covid. They had an online graduation later in the year but we were hoping and praying that somehow we can physically go and celebrate with him as usual and take pictures of course. Nothing was forthcoming until last night when my son sent a copy of the email… Read more “Testimonial 0147”
I have come to testify to the Goodness of God and extreme favor. My husband has been in a court case where he was wrongly accused for almost 10yrs – 2012 precisely. I stood surety for my husband as I had all the requirements and since then he has been going to court, with several adjournments etc. About 2 weeks ago I got a call from my former employers that the court registrar visited, looking for me as surety because my husband had not been showing up in court and they couldn’t find me at my previous home address. I… Read more “Testimonial 0113”
It has been a trend for the past 15 years that whenever I am planning to start a new venture I fall ill with very strange and deadly ailments. Since I joined Rebirth in 2017 things have taken a new turn to the glory of GOD. The teachings and prayers on this mountain has sustained me and opened my eyes to my errors and how to overcome them. I have learnt to keep mute on my plans and also focus on my focus. In 2019, I had this urge to start up a particular food production business and needed to… Read more “Testimonial 0064”
I want to thank God for healing my mum from covid. Upper week Monday I woke up really annoyed because I dreamt my parents told me they had covid previously but didn’t tell me because they didn’t want me to worry. I called my mum and told her and she just laughed. I started to pray against covid using the prayer on the Rebirth website. The next day being Tuesday I still felt uneasy so I sent her the prayer as well. I spoke to my parents as normal during the week that passed but they didn’t report anything. Today… Read more “Testimonial 0088”
I have a good job but with the sharp increase in inflation over the last year my expenses have really increased. Things were a bit tight last month and I didn’t want to dip into my savings so I told God that ah its as if I’m living from pay check to pay check and haven’t been able to save money for a while. Towards the end of April, my sister kept asking me to check my account but anytime I did there was nothing new there. After a while she stopped asking and then last week she asked me… Read more “Testimonial 0020”
My husband has been waiting on a new interview date at the immigration office for his green card interview. After 2 postponements he grew anxious. We have been praying BUT yesterday, during the 5am prayers while prayer for our spouses you said along the lines of “your husband will receive that letter.” I pondered, which letter are we expecting-i didnt even think of the immigration letter. I keyed into it with a BIG Amen. Before i went to bed i prayed again, i raised up your prophecy in prayer and keyed into it concerning this immigration letter. Well SL, THE… Read more “Testimonial 0038”
Hallelujah!! The LORD has done it again! I had 3 loans I needed to offset before the end of this year. During one of the 5am Declarations. SL said something about loans will be written off but we shouldn’t buy what we cannot pay for. I said Amen and believed this word. Whenever I want to buy anything, no matter how important I think it is I will hear her voice saying; Don’t buy what you can’t pay for and I will caution myself. The first loan I paid half and the rest was written off. I was elated. The… Read more “Testimonial 0154”
To GOD be the Glory. My husband had an operation to correct his heartbeat yesterday November 17 and it was a success. He is back home recovering well. Thank GOD for being ever faithful to my family and I. GOD bless you SL for your prayers and constant support. GOD bless you 🙏❤️ GOD bless the Rebirthrwc ministry 🙏
I want to thank God for breaking the yoke of stagnation in my career life. After 7yrs of being in a role and yet being identified as an high flyer in my company. I got an approval for a promotional test, I did the test and to God’s glory, I passed impressively. Shortly before this time, my friend introduced me to the Rebirth 5am prayer and that has been my turning point. I want to thank God for answering prayers on the Rebirth mountain.
I had been waiting for some days now for my last salary from my previous employer. I tried reaching out to my Group Head but found it difficult to reach him. This things are better discussed over the phone and not by text or WhatsApp. I put it in God’s hand and let go. Yesterday, Monday 29 November 2021 at the 5am declaration, SL declared that we should expect good news and I received it in faith though not knowing what the good news may be. About 11:45am I picked up my phone and was led to open my banking… Read more “Testimonial 0144”
SL constantly tells us to always trust GOD, no matter what the situation is. A few days ago during the Esther fast storming the gates prayers, she asked if we believe our prophet, and that if we had faith, we would receive a testimony by December 1. I had been praying for my husband, for those who owed him to pay up, and someone who had been owing for months paid up on December 1. Another answered prayer is a product he had been trying to sell online on his website recieved a lot of attention and people stated making… Read more “Testimonial 0156”
God has done it again!! We submitted our daughters primary school application in January, we filled in 6 options in order of preference. I really wanted her to be offered the 1st choice because it is a faith based school and is located in a nice area. I prayed that God’s will be done and that she would be offered a school in line with His plans for her. The results of our application was released last week Friday and behold, she was offered the first choice as we wanted. I thank God for this wonderful good news and I… Read more “Testimonial 0026”
I have returned to give GOD the glory. The year 2021 was a trying year but GOD showed Himself Mighty in my life and that of my family. I endured medical procedures last year, and GOD healed me speedily. Coupled with all the threats and challenges my family and I faced, there was none feeble amongst us; I have come to return all the glory to GOD. Thank YOU LORD Thank YOU JESUS Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT
I have come to call my GOD and Father faithful. 3 weeks ago I was trying to pay for my daughter’s application at the UK home office and they kept rejecting the application fee. I kept on trying and trying. They would send back emails of rejection. A week later, during the 5am declarations, SL declared that we will be blessed that day that even if we don’t believe we must be blessed. I held on to the word and kept declaring concerning the application fee. On Tuesday morning my daughter’s uncle called the Home Office again to attempt payment… Read more “Testimonial 0073”
I have come to thank GOD Almighty for protecting me and my baby from what could have been a terrible motor accident. On Monday, just before I left to go pick my daughter up from school. I prayed with the SL on the WhatsApp forum and before she rounded up, she said that if we believed her as a prophet of GOD that we would testify before the dawn of December 1 (not quoting her exact words). I declared that I would testify and I believed it also saying it repeatedly in the car. About 4mins from home while turning… Read more “Testimonial 0148”
I want to bless God for indeed giving me good news today – DEC 14th. Recently I had been reading up a couple of our sisters’ testimonies on the watch where SL had declared that we would receive good news. I remember reading the testimonies and trusting God for my own good news. We recently welcomed our baby and with that came an income reduction as we both took parental leave to help settle the baby into the family. When my parental income pay came in yesterday, I was shocked at how little it was (3 digits) and I said… Read more “Testimonial 0111”
The HOLY SPIRIT has been reminding me that I haven’t given my testimonies and I’d say to myself “I will do it later” then something would come up and I’d forget again. This nudging by the HOLY SPIRIT has become more constant and here I am to tell of GOD’s goodness. My daughter’s wedding was meant to be in 2020 but we canceled it due to Covid especially as she and her husband live abroad we had planned a destination wedding. I remember SL telling me that they should go ahead and get married which they did by having their… Read more “Testimonial 0105”
Testimonies are still flowing in my life this month. I don’t know how to thank God. My husband was ill in December we entered the new year in the hospital. He had diabetes and his numbers were crazy. He was placed on drugs and we came home and changed his diet and he started exercising and before the end of January, his prescription was reduced and last week there is a particular test he was asked to take because the figures was getting too low. The test was done and to God be the glory he is diabetes free and… Read more “Testimonial 0012”
I have come to testify as SL was talking to me directly when she said, “You want to wait till the story is finished before you testify”, this convicted me and I said to GOD I repent! My dad had a severe heart related episode and we kept thinking it was indigestion or ulcer. I had a dream about him and told my mum to change hospitals where he was diagnosed. We saw a cardiologist and he said Baba, it is a miracle you are still walking and breathing. He was admitted immediately and I had to travel home to… Read more “Testimonial 0129”
I am testifying of God’s mercies and goodness in my life and my family’s. So that you’ll know that God does exist and he is true, merciful, kind, loving, he provides and his plans always work out. I have been job hunting since my family & I arrived the UK in Jan, 2021. I got interviews with well known companies. I passed stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 then got the “Unfortunately, we decided to go with another candidate” emails from the companies. I aggressively applied for 400+ jobs and only 7% invited me for interviews. I was getting really… Read more “Testimonial 0022”
I had a dream of my dad getting Covid a few days prior but I prayed to cancel it and continued praying throughout that day. Back in January, someone I was working with tested positive for Covid and she had been sick for about 2 weeks. Immediattly, I arranged for my family & I to get tested. Out of 4 people in the household my dad & I tested positive. I had to come home to isolated and informed my dad to do the same. To the Glory of God we both came out of isolation without having any serious… Read more “Testimonial 0037”
I want to testify to the glory of God. Indeed our God is good. I had a dream Saturday morning . I was in a gathering with children doing something that looks like an exhibition. ( I am a junior church teacher in my church). Suddenly I found out that my purse was missing from the table , immediately I heard the holy spirit say to me to look at the person that stole the purse. I said “no” this person cannot steal my purse. The conviction was so strong and I started running after her and stopped her and… Read more “Testimonial 0017”
Sometime in June I was asked to do some medical tests in line with my citizenship process. When the results came back, they were not normal. I was then asked to do some more tests. When the results returned, there was a particular result that was alarming and I was asked to do an ultrasound. The doctor was pretty sure it wouldn’t come back normal as the values were very high. She insisted that a consultant did the ultrasound. The morning of the ultrasound, I spoke to SL and she had asked me to pray Psalm 16 into a cup… Read more “Testimonial 0103”
During a routine check in March 2019, it was discovered that I had cataracts in both eyes but they were not matured at the time but would have to be removed at maturity. It became a prayer point for GOD to miraculously remove the cataracts before they matured. However by the end of September 2020 the one in the left eye matured quickly, which they said was unusual and by October 2020 it had become fully matured with little or no vision in that eye. It had to be surgically removed. I sent a message to the SL who responded… Read more “Testimonial 0047”
I have come to give thanks to the GOD of the Rebirthrwc Ministry. Following my routine prenatal checkup and blood work requested by my OBGYN, on the 18th of February I received a phone call from the hospital telling me that my HPV was positive and that they had seen some abnormal cells in my cervix and they need to schedule me for a Colposcopy.hmmm..I didn’t understand what all that meant but as I asked the caller to elaborate more what I could remember was she saying that, they are not saying that the cells in my cervix are precancerous… Read more “Testimonial 0046”
Earlier this year, I began preparations for my upcoming promotion examination at work. Within 2 weeks of the examination, the scheduled date was announced. It was a very challenging time. I had a serious melt down as the time drew closer, but God sent people to encourage me and assure me that all would be well. On Saturday, 27 February 2021, I wrote my exam. The highlight of the day was after the exam, I informed SL that I had just completed my exam. She then drew my attention to the prayers being made in the group earlier that day.… Read more “Testimonial 0080”
God has been so good to me. I have seen his goodness I went to Ilesha in February for a burial and I got a call from a trusted sister in church asking me if I need a million naira loan to support my business, that she knows someone in Abuja who will help me apply for the federal government loan but because I was not expecting it, I said ok reluctantly knowing in my heart that one million is not enough for the business i have in my mind. She asked for my BVN and I gave her and… Read more “Testimonial 0027”
My daughter suddenly came down with very high body temperature on Sunday. I couldn’t do anything that day as she was lethargic, she had already slept when I remembered psalm 16, so I said I was going to do it this morning . She slept in my arms throughout the night. While I slept I dreamt that I was in a rebirth physical program. Praise and worship was ongoing and I had my daughter in my hands. SL took her from me, that she will be okay, so she was with SL almost throughout the program. I continued dancing. By… Read more “Testimonial 0041”
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